15 NOVEMBER 1975, Page 5

Parish pump

Sir: Mrs Ewing's letter on Scottish !ndePendence — which she says means 'IldePendence for England and Wales as Well (no mention of N. Ireland) is typical of the kind of nationalist logic which Passionately demands "justice” and "freedom" for those areas who can find — somewhere in history — a national identity and leaves other unfortunate rninorities to look after themselves. Those — like Liverpudlians, Geordies or Cumbrians — who have an equal right 1° a fair economic and political deal, „.„"ave no flag to fight under, no special "'Mister or pressure group and yet their Political isolation is greater than that of Scotland and Wales and their economic Plight no less disastrous. We who have lived in these areas of England are sick of the nationalistic. Whining of the Scots and Welsh. The Problems exist for all of us whether we live in Newcastle, Cardiff or Glasgow and the solutions are not regional or en national but international. The International approach is, however, the ast thing we can expect from the a'rrow-minded parochial prejudice of ,tle Scottish Nationalists.

The ti • R E. R Atkinson

• -•Inversity of Mainz, West GerMany.