Sir: In the Diary of 1 November, P. Worsthorne remarks on the discrimina- tion against white teachers by Brent Coun- cil. The anti-white policy now includes tenants in the council's flats. We have had instructions to the effect that any tenant guilty of 'racism' can be evicted from his home and thereafter forfeits any right to being rehoused. Many white tenants have moved but with some, especially pension- ers, this is not always possible.
The Council wants the luxurious Chalk- hill and Stonebridge flats to be tenanted with blacks only. On this estate we have 85 per cent blacks.
Accusations of 'racism' include reporting crimes or misdemeanours by black men, or criticising the overwhelming preponder- ance of black neighbours, or merely saying that you don't like West Indians and Rastafarians.
White people have for years been discri- minated against in the matter of jobs and promotion. Although the majority of the councillors are white themselves they pur- sue an anti-white policy because they depend on the black vote to keep them in power. The percentage of blacks in the borough has increased from 50 to 60 during the past year.
The politicians do not care about the distress of white men and women where they are outnumbered. The great crime of making England multi-racial was com- pounded by the policy of concentrating the blacks in certain areas, so that in parts of the country people are not aware that there is a problem.
C. A. Clarke
432 Redcliffe Walk, Chalkhill, Wembley