15 OCTOBER 1836, Page 10


Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 10th Oct. 1635 and 1836.


Customs Excise St amps


office Miscellaneous

Tontine Money.

To CAI brought to this Account to replace the like Sum issued, or to be is,neil out or the Colisolidattql Fund in Ireland ror Supply am: other Services. To ca:!, brought to this Account from the Civil List, Sup



Quarters ended 1835. Oct. 10.


£ 3,891,872 4,007.375 1.671,188 355,120 372,1)00 40,793 5.018.416 3,804029 1,714,741 334,887 399,000 21,494 10,338.353

• •

682,054 11,380.567 644.448 11,020,407 Quarters ended 1835. 12,025,015 Oct. 10.


£ Permanent Debt 3.362,078 3,409,530 Terminable Annuities 1,350,314 1,392,118 Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the

Consolidated Fund 17.307 12,564 Sinking Fund. 301,374 449,001 Civil List 127,500 127,500 Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund, including Civil

Government Services, formerly paid rad of the Civil I.ist, or the Hereditary Revenues of the Crowu 278.419 252,877 Total Charge. 5.436,992 5,643.590 Surplus 5,533,415 6,381.425


12.025.015 Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the Consoli dated Fund for the Quarter ended and paid off out of the growing produce of that Fund fur the Quarter ended July 5,



• •

Amount issued in the Quarter ended 10th Oct. P436, in part of the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated

Fund, for Supply Services 3,311,619

The Surplus of the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 10th Oct. 1836 6,381,425 3,00907

The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the charge on the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 10th Oct. 1836


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 10th Oct. 1S:15 and 10th Oct. 1836; showing the Increase or Decrease on each head thefeof.

Years ended 1835. Oct. 10th 1836. Increase. Decrease.

£ 18,40,1,212 11,681,197 6.505,224 3,733.997

1.390,000 76,737


20,166.917 12,288,173 6,796.439 3,670.747 1,486,000 52,533

£ 1,758.705 606.976 291,215 90.,000



68,251 44,460,809 £ ..

6;3,250 24,204 .. 41,801,367 455,873 524,124 42,257,240 44,984,933 2,815,147 87,454 87,454 . • Deduct Decrease Increase on the Year 2,727,693 ..

Quarters ere 1835. ed Oct. 10th 1836. Increase. Decrease.

al 5,353,9.47 4,007,375 1,671,204 355,120 372.000 16,513

£ 5,353,777 3,s62,1.29 1,744,741 334.8s7 399,000 6,240

£ 999,790 , .... i 3.037 . 2-L000 .. 101,984

£ ..

145,346 20.233 113,273 ..

.• 11,776,199 78,269 12,700,674 180.253 11,854,468 12,830,927 1,202,311 175.852 175,852 .. Deduce Decrease Increase on the Quarter 1.026.459 .. Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Post-office Miscellaneous Total Ordinary Revenue... Imprest and other Mottles, in- cluding Repayments of Ad- vances fur Public Works ....


Customs Exeis • Stamps Taxes Post-office Miscellaneous

Total Ordinary Revenue... Imprest and other Monies, in- cluding Repayments of Ad- vtuces for Public Works ...,
