BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Ptices.) 3 per Cent .Consols Ditto fo r Account 3 per Cent. Reduced 3} per Cents. Reduced
New 3s per Cents
Long A unuities Bank Stock ,aperCt.
India Stock,10} p Ct.
Exchequer Bills,1} d.paliem Ditto 2d India lionds,3} per lieut Saturday Monday Tuesday
Thurs. Friday.
83} 884 shut 98 97} 15/ shut 255} 2 ills.
3 pm. 5 pm. 83} 88} 891 shut
15} - 256 2 3 6 831 881 87} ex.d 951 do.
141 ex.d 205 do.
256 2 4 4
883 8n 67} ex. d 951 do. 971 141 205sex.d --- 3 par 2
871 871 86} 951
97 11) 204} 255
5 2 dis. 4
85/ ex. d 88} 871 ex.d 951 do. 971 141 205 ex.d - 3 2 pm.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week, ending Friday evening.) Alabamatpayablels:63) 5 p .Ct. 921 'Mexican (deferred) ... 5 p. CI.
Austrian 5 -
Belgian 5 -
1C2} Ditto. (Ditto) 6 -
102/ . M ississipp i (New) 6 --
16 Brazilian 5 -
77} Neapolitan of 1824 .... 5 --s
Buenos Ayres 6 - - New York(payble.184.1) 5 -
Chiliad 6 -
40 Ditto (Ditto 1837) 6 - 91 Colombian of 1824 6 23} Ohio 6
Danish 3 - 74} Pennsylvania (pay1858) 5 - - Detch (Ex 12 Guilders) 2} - 53 .Peruvian 6 -
Ditto (Ditto) ... 5 - 991 Portuguese 5 - 34 _ French 3 -
7Sr. See. Ditto, 3 -
Ditto 5 - Greek of 1825 5 - LOU Oe. Ditto New 5 - -- Prussian 4 - 52 - Louisiana 5 - 93 'It ussian o f 1822 5 - 106} Mexican 5 - Ditto (Metallic) 5 - Ditto 6 - 23 ; Spanish Consolidated .. 5 - 23} Whrat,Red New Fine ..... .... White, New.. Fine ..... .... Superfine ...
Old .........
42 to 45. Rye, New MI .. 34
48..48 Barley, Stained 58 .. 34 42 .. 481 Malting 36 .. 42 45..50, Malt, Ordinary, 58 .. 63 50.. 551 Fine IV.J .. 66 34 .. 55 Peas, Bog 36 .. 17 OCT. U.
Maple 38 .. 39 White 34 .. 37 Boiler. 33 .. 42 Beans, Ticks an .. 34 Old 33 .. 41
Harrow 0.. 0
s. a,.
Oat s.Feed 55 Fine... 26 .. 57 Poland... 25 .. 57 Fine... 57 .• 58 Potato... 59 .. 81 Fine... 35 .. BS
HAY AND STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.)
;5* to e4.. 75. to 888. Ws. to 86$.
0 .. 0 New
0 75,,75 ..... 75,,89
84 115 90 .. 112 110 ..II5 Straw, ....... 112 112 80 86 116 .. 40 34 .. 36 BUTCHERS' MEAT.
NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL.• SIMITIIFILED • . Bect 5r. 42. to Its. 4d to I . 8d. Os. Od. to 3e. Od. to 41.44 Mutton 8 0 .. 5 4 .. 3 8 4 6 0 0 0 0 Veal 3 0 .. 4 0 .. 4 8 0 9 .. 0 0 .. 5 0 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 Lamb ...... .••• 0 0 .. a 8 .. 4 8 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0
• To sink th offal per bib OILS.
Rape Oil per tun 491. Cr.
la owed Oil ae 0 Linseed Oil Cake at the Mill....per Iwo to 0 Rape Cak• per ton 5 10 Row Fat,per stone 50.14.
Wall's End, Best per ton 24.. to 55,9 I, Inferior Is .. 50 0 SUDA .
per col• 445 314 to ..
Holasses............ .......... 1158•
Gold, Forty gal, In Coin ......per oz. M. Os. Od. Foreign, in Bars.............3 17 101
.... New Doubloons 0 0 0 Silver, In Bars, Standard 0 5 04
.... New Dollars 0 4 1.01 METALS. Iron, In Bars ...... Ill. St. 0.0 TOO* 11414 ......... - 0 0 .. 19 0 Quielt.ilver.........p4;lb. 0 11 4 .. • Copper, Cake, per ton 104 0 0 .. • 0 • Lead, Pig 0 0 0 .. CS 0 •
AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN Par Quarter (Imperial) 01 England and Wales. wheat 47,111. Rye 320. 3d. Harley.. ..... . 34 4 Deans 41 0 Oats 28 0 Peas .... ..... 36 11 Duty on FOREIGN CORN for the present Week. Wheat 39.. Wt. Rye .... ..... 215. 84.
Begley 10 10 Beans........ 8 0 Oat. 12 8 Peas 15 6 FLOUR.
Town made peruck 431. to Vb.
Seconds 40 .. 48 Ewes and Sutfolk,on boardshtp 38 .. ikt Norfolk and Stockton 86 .. 58 BREAD.... 81. the 41b. Loaf BUTTER,...Best Fresh 14..0d .perdu s.
Rent Poeltety........percwt. 41. 45... 51. 01,
Choice Ditto...... ....... .... 6 10 .. 7 la Sunsex Pockets ........ ...... 4 0 .. 4 /5
superfineDitto...... .. 5 10 .. 5 15 POTATOES.
Scotch Red. ....per cwt. 0!. Os. Od. to 0!. Os. Od. Middling 0 1 0 .. 0 2 0
Ware 0 ..0 11 •