15 OCTOBER 1836, Page 7



The Foreign mails, which had not arrived when the Morning Papers were published, have since been received. They bring intelligence from Paris and Madrid.

The news from Spain is disastrous. Goan:7.. who, as we have more than once observed, suffered little from his defeat by ALAtx at Villa Robledo, has met no opposition in Andalusia. supposed to be very hos- tile to the Cnriists. He entered Cordova on the 1st instant, and thence advanced towards Seville. At Cordova lie was joined by the old Roy- alist Volunteers, and seized Valuables to a large amount. His troops were on the road leading from Cordova to Seville when they were last heard of.

While the Carlists are making triumphant progress in the South,

little opposition is offered to them in the North. A considerable force, nominally commanded by General SAY:4 but really by a young officer named Euo, entered Oviedo, the principal city in the Asturias, on the 2d instant. This expedition was to have been opposed by the Portuguese auxiliaries ; but they were stationed at Leon, in the same province, and received orders to move too late ; and General Evass's force was weakened by a detachment of :2000 men also destined for the same service, but deep were detained at Santander by InraarE, who was threatened by the Carlists ; and there is nothing to prevent SANZ or Etna from penetrating into Galicia.

There are rumours of the departure of the Queen from Madrid. Disaffection may have appeared in the capital, or in Old and New Castile and Estremadura ; but at present, the motions of the Carlists do not tend towards Madrid, but to the Northern and Southern pro- vinces of the kingdom—Asturias and Andalusia.

The above particulars are taken from the correspondence of the Courier, received at a late hour this morning. In a second edition of the Times, published this afternoon, it is stated, that there is not the least prospect of the Dividends on Spanish ActiveStock being provided for—the Government being destitute of money. It is stated in letters from Bayonne, that General EVANS attacked the Carlist lines before San Sebastian on the 8th, and was repulsed; but the Paris correspondent of the Courier says that the affair alluded to was a mere skirmish, and had no important results.