15 OCTOBER 1842, Page 20


On the 4th August, in Calcutta, the Lady of Lieutenant ROBERT Puce, of the Sixty. Seventh Native Infantry, of a son.

On the 29th September. at Glendamel House, Mrs. CAMPBELL, of Gleudarnel. of a sot,. On the 5th October, in Ileriot Row. Edinburgh, the Hon. Mrs. WILLIAM HOPE JOHN- STONE, of II SOO.

On the 9th. at Dr. Moore's, Harley Street, the Wife of the Rev. easels:Is LEWIS CORNISH, of Great Lougstone, Derbyshire, of a son. On the 9th, in Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, the HOD. FRANCES Lady DALLAS, of a son.

On the 10th, at Longford Castle. near Salisbury, Viscountess FOLKESTONE, of a Son. MARRIAGES.

On the 12th July, at Colombo. Ceylon. GEORGE MACLEAN, Captain Royal Artillery, and Aide-de-Camp, fourth surviving sun ot Alexander Maclean. Esq.. of Ardgour, to AMELIA JANE, second daughter of his Excellency Sir Cohn Campbell, K.C. It.

On the 24th September. at Walcot Church, GODDARD HENRY RICHARDS, Esq.. M.D., eldest son of the late Colonel Richards, to KATE, secoud daughter of the late A. Mason, Esq., of Stonbrock, county of Dublin.

On the 19th. MArrnew R DANIELL, Esq.. to FANNY, third daughter of William Page Georges, Esq.; and at the same time. WILLIAM FUTTON. Esq., of the Fifty-ninth Regi- ment, to MATILDA. fourth daughter of W. P. Georges, Esq.

On the 4th October, at St. Helier's. KINGSMILL PENNEFATHER. Esq., of Gulden and Knockinglass. Tipperary, elde,t son of the late Rev. Abu Penuefather. Rector of Newport. Tipperary, to JANE CATHERINE PATRICIA, eldest daughter of Thomas de Greiner de Fonblauque. K.H.. her Majesty's Consul-General in Sarvia. On the Mt, at the Cathedral. Limerick, the Rev. ROBERT KNOX, Prebend of St. Muncinin, to the same Cathedral, and seeand son of the late Hon. and Venerable Charles Knox. Archdeacon of Armagh, to CATHERINE DELIA, daughter of Thomas Gibbon Fitzgibbon, Esq., of Ballyseedy, Limerick. On the 5th. at Wateringbury, the Rev. GEORGE R. Femmes M.A., Rector of Adding- ton. Kent. to FANNY, eldest daughter of the Rev. William Elwyn, M.A., of Water- ingbury, and Perpetual Citrate of Loose, in the same county. On the 8th, at St. Andrew's, Plymouth, Captain EDWARD BOND. of her Majesty's Fifty-third Regiment, to ALETHEA DUBE, second daughter of tbe late Rev. Duke Yonge, of Anthony. Cornwall.

On the 10th, at Mickleham Church. E. H. PARRY, Esq., youngest sou of the late J. H. Parry. Esq., barrister-at-law, to MARY Exams second daughter of the Rev. John Wartieford.

On the llth, at Uptou-upou-Severn. the Rev. As-rnorry BERWICK LECHMERE, SOH of Sir Anthony Lechmere, Bali., of the Rhyd. Worcester, to EMILY MARY, eldest daughter of the late Sir Harry Verelet Doren. Bart. On the 111h. at New St. Luke's Chelsea, THOMAS CHAPMAN junior, Esq., of Ampt- hill. Bedfordshire, to JANE PHCEBE MURRAY, eldest daughter of Captain W. H. Smyth, R.N., K.S.F.

On the 11th. at Paddington, FRANCIS LTARDET. Esq., Captain in the Royal Navy. to CAROLINE ANNE. Widow of the late J. J. Gregory, Esq., R.N., and sister of Sir Ed- mund Filmer, of East Sutton Park, M.P., for West Kent.

On the 11th. at Alia, near Bristol, the Rev. JOHN VnecErer, of Jacobstow, Devonshire, to CAROLINE LUCY, only daughter of tne late Lewis Pryse Maddeu„ Esq., of Clifton. On the 12th. at St. Mary's, Chesbunt„ the Rev. CHARLES THORNTON, M.A., Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge. to LAYINIA GOUDOE, fourth daughter of Joseph Batho, Esq. On the 12th. at Petworth, AlAritee MoNroonszny. Esq., youngest son of the late Sir Henry C. Montgomery. Bart., to FANNY, eldest daughter of Colonel Wyndham, Pet. worth House, Sussex.

On the 13th, at New Alresford, Hants, the Rev. PETER AUBERTIN jun., eldest son of the Rev. Peter Aubertin, Rector of Chipstead, Surrey, to MARY ELIZA, only child of John Dunn, Esq., of New Alresford.


On the 10th July, at Jellalabad. Lieutenant CHARLES StPCAsErm., of her Majesty's Ninth Foot, younger son of Major-General Id' Caskill. of the same Regiment.

On the 23d, at Hurryhur, in the East Indies, Ensign D. Duvet, Thirty- fifth Regi- ment of Madras Native Infantry, only son of Captain Duval, of Budleigh, Salterton, Devonshire; in his 21st year. He was accidentally &tinned in attempting to cross a deep and rapid stream.

Killed in action, on the retreat from Cabal, Lieittenaut GEORGE W. CONING/NAME, Flfty-fourth Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry, only sou of the late Major George Cuninghame, Bengal Artillery; in his 23d year. On the 14th June. at Fort Beaufort, Cape of Good Hope, MOOT EDWARD MOLESWORTH, eldest son of the late Robett Molesworth, Esq., of Swords. Dublin. On the 5th August. at Retirement. near Kine.stsn. Jamaica. of scarlet fever, JANE CAROLINE, Wife of John Wallace Harris, E,q., eldest daughter of the late George Gordon. Esq., of Croughly. BantiShire, and Great Marlow. Bucks; alsu, on the same day, Cenatarrrs, and on the 8th of the same month, HARRY, the two eldest children of the said John Wallace Harris.

Ou the 16th, at Bombay. Captain CHARLES LuxmonE BENNETT, of her Majesty's Eighty-sixth Regiment; in his 31st year. On the 2811, September, at Canterbury, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Freed, Sweetie TOMSON, Esq.. of Ramsgate, in his 80th year. On the 3c1 October, at his residence. Wargrave, Berkshire, the Rev. Mown, GEDLEY. MA.; in his 62d year. At Old Basing. the Rev. STEPHEN DAVIES, A.M., Curate of that parish, and of Up Nately. Hants, formerly of Trinity College. Cambridge. On the 8th, at Tunbridge Wells, .TAMES DRUMMOND, Esq., Commissary.General ; in in his 87th year.

On the 8th, at his house in Brunswick Square. THOMAS PLAs-r, Esq., in his 83d year. On the 8th. the Rev. HARRY JORDAN PLACE, Rector of Macula'''. Dorset, eldest son of the late Rev. Juhu Conyers Place, of Maruhull; in his 40th year. On the 12th, at Norwood, GEORGINA ELIZABETH, Countess, of BRADFORD, after an Illness of fourteen days. On the 12th. at Tunbridge Wells, Sir Joart JACOB BUXTON, Bart., of Shadwell Park, Norfolk, in his 54th year. On the 12th, in Jermyu Street, Lieutenant-Colonel JOHN CHARLES HOPE, late of the Rifle Brigade. On the 12th. at Tunbridge Wells. CECILIA, Relict of thelate James Drummond, Esq.. Commissary-Geueral, haviug survived her husband only four days.

The Castellano of Madrid states that a priest of Rivadav is has just died, at the age of 112. This man, during the latter years of his life, made seven meals a day, smoked in the same period twenty.four cigarettes, and took half an ounce of snuff.