OFFICE or ORDNANCE, Oct. 7.—Royal Rest. of Artillery Second Lieut.—B. Lawson to be First Lieut. vice Newcomen. retired on half pay. WAR-0mm Oct. 14.—Ist Drags.—Capt C. P. Ainslie to be Major. by purchase, vice Everard. who retires; Lieut It. Wardlaw tube Capt. by purchase. vice Ainslie; Cornet H. Gough to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Wardlaw ; Ensign W. It. M'Adam, from the 29th Foot, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Courtenals whose appointment has been cancelled; A. H. Be Trafford. Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Gongh. 3d Foot —Brevet Major-Geo. G L. Christie to be Major, without purchase, vice Rochfort, who retires on full pay; Lieut. L. Desborough to be Capt. vice Christie. 17th Foot—En- sign R. Dudgeon, from the 719th Foot to be Ensigu, lice Alleyne, who exchanges. 28th Foot—Major J. Messner to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase; Capt. T. Wheeler to be Major, vice Measlier; Lieut. M. Andrews. to be Capt. vice Wheeler. Lieut. J. Dane. from the 62d Foot ; Lieut. C. A. Thompson. from the 3d Foot ; Lieut. %V. G. Meacham, from the 3d Foot; Lieut. (1. F. Moore, from the 3Ist Foot; Lieut. L. N. M•Lachlan, from the 57th Foot; Ensign S. Rawson; Eusigu S. Cotton; Eusign E. C. Grant—to be Lieuts, without purchase. 29th Foot—Ensign H. T. Medge, from the
75th Foot, to be Ensign. vice Conche, who exchanges. 49th Foot—Brevet Major C, O'Neill. to be Major, without purchase, vice Scott killed in action. Lieut. J. 1). Young, vice Swayue. killed in action; Lieut. E. Woolhouse, vice M-Crea, killed in action; Lieut. C. E. Turner, vice Leighton, killed in action : Lieut. W. Evans, vies Robinson, killed in action; Lind. T. A. Souter. vice O'Neill—to be Cants. without purchase. Ensign R. R. Fulton, vice Young; Ensign H. J. White, vice Wonlhonse; Ensign W. Swayne, vice Turner; Ensign A. Cary. vice Evans; Ensign H. Massy, vice Souler—to be Lients. without purchase. 96th Foot—Major J. Maclean, from half-pay unattached. to be Major. vice E. H. D. E. Napier. who exchanges. 75th
Foot—Lieut. J. S. Ireland, from the Retired List of the late 6th Royal Veteran Batts. lion, to be Lieut. vice Brumell. appointed Paymaster of the 25th Foot; Ensign E. J. Dickson. to be Lieut by purchase, rice Ireland, who retires; Ensign C. Concha. from the 29th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Metge. who exchanges; W. M. Keats, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Dickson. 79th Foot —Ensign W. F. Hamilton to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Balfour, who retires; W. Forrest, Geut, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Hamilton. 87th Foot—Capt. W. Boyd. from the 97th Foot. to be Capt. rice Harris, who exchanges. 89th Foot—Ensign A. M. Alleyne, from the 17th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Dudgeon. who exchanges. 97th Foot—Capt. R. R. Harris, from the 87th Foot. to be Capt. vice Boyd. who exchanges.
Unattached—Lions. J. Fowle, from the 63d Foot; Lieut. T. F. Richardson, from the 57th Foot—to he Capts. without purchase.
Erratum in the Gazette of the 7th hist —5th Foot—For Lieut. J. Du Bourdieu to be Capt. without purchase, vice Ward. dec. read vice Wood, dec. 6th Foot—For D. Ebriugton, Geut, to be Ensign. &c. read D. IL Elriugton, Gent. lobe Ensign, Re.