15 OCTOBER 1842, Page 20



Underwood and Picton, Manchester, brewers—Murgalroyd and Whitehead, Burley Mills, near Leeds, dyers—Dennis and Simpson. York, dealers in patent medicines—. Low and Burt, Weymouth. linendrapers— Burch and Neilson, Old Broad Street, hair- cutters—Emson and Bridgman. Sudbury, drapers—W. J. and J. S. Cubitt. Norwich, wine-merchaida—Quin and Barnes, Birmingham, copper-plate priuters—Boulton and Co. Staffordshire Potteries, earthenware-manufacturers; as far as regards Baddeley- Hurley. and Co. Hays, brickmakers —Wilson and Demmer, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, commission.agents—Parlett and Oliver. Durrington, Sussex. farmers—Wills and Dobnor, Exeter, grocers— Clark and Fisher, Mincing Lane, colonial-brokers —Taylor and Co. Summer Castle, Laucashire, woolleu-printera—Pitsch and Neill. Sackville Street, Piccadilly. tailors—Thompson and Spencer, Wood Street, Cheapsidu, riband. warehousemen—Hobbs and Wither, Kingsdown. near Bristol. house painters—Wisdom and Curling, Wood Street, Cbeapside, wholesale-hosiers Lettsome and Co. Pill:like, brewers—Smith and Co. Liverpool, printers—Kendall and Co. West Parks, Durham, proprietors of coal mines; as far as regards Kendall and Appleton— Be Witte and Co. Loudon, merchauts—Ackers and Co. Liverpool, merchants—Thorrington and Bax, Friars Street, City, victuallers. INSOLVENT. ALLEN. JOSHUA, Much Wymoudley, Hertfordshire, cattle-dealer. Oct. 10.


Boon. Joissi THOMAS. Lower Thames Street. eatinghonse-keeper, to surrender Oct. 27, Nor. 22 : solicitor, Mr. Wilson, Furnival's Intl; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Ba- singhall Street.

JACOB, ALEXANDER. Manchester. merchant, Oct. 27. Nov. 22: 'solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Hitchcock, Manchester. M.CONKEY, THOMAS and Howls, Aosta. Lambeg, Downshire, bleachers, Oct. 21, Nov. 22: solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood. Temple; and Messrs. Littledale and Barsdale. Liverpool. RIDLEY, GEORGE, Gould Square, wine-merchant. Oct. 20. Nov. 22: solicitors. Messrs. Baxendale and Co. Great Wiuchester Street; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Col- man Street Buildings.

THORP. SAMUEL and THOSIAS. Manchester, merchants, Oct. 25, Nov. 22 ; solicitors, Mr. Fox, Finsbury Circus ; and Mr. Earle, Manchester. THORP, JOHN. Manchester, merchaut, Oct. 25, Nov. 22 : solicitors, Mr. Fox, Fins- bury Circus; and Mr. Earle, Manchester. THOMAS, GEORGE DAVENPORT. WPM, SIIMplhire, grocer, Oct. 29, Nov. 22 : solicitors, Mr. Cutf, Half-Moon Street; and Mr. Baker, Wem,


Nov. 3, °Bey, St. James's Street. milliner— Nov. 3, Bidmead, Bread Street. ware- houseman—Nov. 3, Hobday, Edgbastou, Warwickshire, factor—Nov. 1, Wylde and Slater, Bradshaw, Bolton-le-Moors, bleachers—Nov. 3, Owen. Conway. Carnarvon- shire, innkeeper—Nov. 3, Evans, Carnarson. coal-merchant —Nov. 3.A:11m Newton, Nottage. Glamorganshire, timber-merchant—Nov. 4, Edwards, Menai Foundry, Angle. sea. ironfounder—Nov. 4, Pritchard, Bangor, Carnarvonshire, druggist—Nov. 2, Not- tingham, Cheltenham, picture-dealer—Nov. 4, Smith, Thorne, Yorkshire, draper — Nov. 4. J. and R. Clarke, Leeds, music-sellers—Nov. 4, Hogg and Co. Leeds, cloth- merchants—Nov. 4, Watson, Leeds. share-broker—Nov. 8, Cahn. Leeds, wool-mer. chant—Nov. 2. Challieer, Derby. colouranartufacturer—Nov. 4, Blanthom, Shrews- bury, mercer—Nov. 2, Newton, Derby, liquor-merchant—Nov. 8. Winks, Sheffield, iron-merchant—Nov.?. Baird. Gloucester, grocer—Nov. 2, Jones. Wrexham, Denbigh- shire. ironmonger—Nov. 1, Taylor. Hedomiu.Holderness, corn-merchant—Nov. 10, Reed, Leeds, cloth-dresser—Nov. 8, Rowejuuior, Devonport.tailor—Nov. 9. Paramore, Devonport, merchant —Nov. 7, Dinnes, Devonport. baker—Nov. 9. Oddie, Clithero, cotton-spinner — Nov. 4, Green, Manchester, engineer —Nov. 1, Smalley, Chorley, Lan- cashire, cornsmiller— Nov. 2, Hampson. Liverpool, broker—Nov. 9. Griffith, Wigan, printer—Nov. 9, Loxham, Wigan, newspaper-proprietor—Nov. 9, Asken, Manchester, merchant — Nov. 3, Belt and Whitfield, Winlaton. Durham. merchants —Nov. 8, Ste- phenson, Beverley, grocer—Nov. 2, Blake, Norwich, mohair-mannfacturer—Nov. 2, Thompson, Neweastleamou-Tyue. iron-manufactmer—Nov. 2, Leathern, Liverpool, irenmoiiger —Nov. 3, Bell, Liverpool, engineer—Nov. 9, Davenport, Chester. woollen- draper—Nov. 1, Crutchett, Stroud, pawnbroker—Nor. 2, Rigg, Liverpool. merchant. Nov. 4, Ferris and Co. Liverpool. merchauts—Nov. 2, Kirby. Birmingham, railway. contractor—Nor. 4. Copplestone, Plymouth, grocer—Nov. 4. Hoskins, Croscombe, Sumersetshire, baker—Nov. 1, Robson. Newcastle-uporoTyue, builder — Nov. 1, Crow- ther, Birmingham. builder—Nov. I, Douglas, Birmingham. dealer—Nov. 2, Nelson, Sowerby, Yorkshire, builder—Nov. 4. Jones, Shrewsbury, grocer—Nov. 2, Bate. Dud- ley, iron-merchant — Nov. 4, Cooper and Co. Trowbridge. clothiers — Nov. 4, Radford. Tiverton. upholsterer—Nov. 8. Massy, Bath. surgeon—Nov. 4. Balm and li,thwell, Nottingham. lace-makers—Nov. 4, Milnes and Carveu. Nottingham, iron. founders—Nov. 1, Jackson, Louth. corn-merchant—Nov. 1. Carey. Nottingham, hat- maker—Nov. 2, Carey, Bedard. Nottinghamsbire, hat maker—Nov. 2, H. and G. D. Carey, Nottingham, hat-makers—Nov. 2, Hall and Toone, Nottingham. lace-makers- Nov. 3, Carey. Nottingham, lace maker—Nov. 2. Aston, Tipton. coalmaster —Nov. 2. Bacon. Sheffield, printer—Nov. 4, Griffith, Shrewsbury, wharfinger—Nov. 3, Wood, Northampton, ironmonger—Nov. 9. Hinde and Derham, Dolphinholme, Lancashire. wonted spinners—Nov. 1, Watson, Willington, Northumberland. viewer of collieries —Nov. 9. Audley. Newcastle-under-Lyme, cabinet-maker—Nov. 3, Walton. Nortbal- letton, scrivener—Nov. 7, Shaw, Stoke-upon-Trent. merchant—Nov. 2, Fletcher and Co. Liverpool, bankers—Nov. 3. Hannaford and Prettelohn. Kingsbridge, cattle- dealers—Nov. 3. Mortimore, Deronport. cabinet-maker—Nov. 3. Dawn. East Stone. house. painter —Nov.3. May, Devouport, earthenware-dealer—Nov. 3. Barnard, Bide- ford. Devonshire, merchant —Nov. 2, Bosworth, Sheffield, surgeon—Nov. 4. Griffith's. Astley, Worcestershire, dealer—Nov. 2, Fisher and Co. Ashbrite-la-Zouch, hankers— Nov. 2, Stanway. Stoke-upon-Trent. confectioner —Nov. 2, Powell, Newcastimunder- Lyme, grocer—Nov. 2, Greases, Stoke-upon.Treut, ale-mercbaut—Nov. 3, Johuson and Brown, Jarrow, Durham, merchants—Nov. 2. Miles and Dawkins, Southampton, bootmakers—Nov. 2, Davies, Wrexham, miller—Nov. 2, Meyer, Liverpool. merchant —Nov. 2, Shepherd and Drew, Southampton. innkeepers—Nov. 2, Wise and Co. Tut. nea, bankers—Nov. 4, Rogers, Shrewsbury. hop-dealer—Nov. 8, Pigg, Norwich, car. pouter—Nov. 9. Sloane and Witty. Liverpool, hatters—Nov. 2, Caton. Preston, iron- monger— Nov. 1. Pollen, Selby, fiammerchant—Nov. I. Walker and Casson. Manches- ter. corn factors—Nov. 1. Cooper, Kidderminster, carpet-maker— Nov. 3, Wycherley, Afterbury, farmer—Nov. 2, Maw, Gainsborough, mustard-maker—Nov. 2, Ashwiu, Aston-juxta-Birmtugham, gilt tormaker— Nov. 3. Sinnott. Field Hall, Staffordshire, dealer—Nov. 2, Morgan, Cheltenham. builder —Nov. 2. Mann, Great Yarmouth, mer- ebaut—Nov. I. Short junior, Salisbury, grocer—Nov. 7. Coutes, Manchester. merchant

— Nov. 11, Bakewell, Manchester. size manufacturer --Nov. 5, Nield, Dukiutleld, cotton-spinner—Nov. 3. Sanderson. Crawshaw Booth, Lancashire, cotton-manufactarer

— Nov. 2, Wilkinson, Brymbo, Denbighshire, ironmaster—Nov. 2, Smith, Thurmaston, Leicestershire. sock-manulacturer—Nov. 3. Stallard and Co. Manchester, cotton-ma- nufacturers —Nov. 2, Smith, Southampton. grocer—Nov. 2, Heap, Leeds, dyer—Nov. 8, Mane. Norwich. woolstapler—Nov. 1,1. and G. Lockwood, Wakefield, merchants— Nov. 2, Zanetti. Manchester, carver—Nov. 3, Abbott, and M Cheane, Liverpool, wine- merchants—Nov. 3. Till. St. Swithin, Worcestershire. butcher—Nov. 9, Livesey, Bury, Lancashire, cotton-spiuner—Nov. 3. Thompson. Wylam, Northumberland. ironfounder

— Nov. 3, Bennett, Melksham. Wiltshire, corn-factor—Nov. 5, R. and F. Palmer, Reading, coal-merchants—Nov. 3, Ford, Bristol, cooper—Not'. 2, Roskell. Liverpool,

tailor-Nov. 3. Huxtable and Genge, Ilfracombe, Devonshire. ship.builders-Nov. 7, Gibson. Liverpool. stockbroker-Nov. 2, Drake. Birmingham. bookseller-Nov. 7. Maiuwaring, Mauchester, draper-Nov. 1. Tovey. Bristol, pawnbroker-Nov. 3. Hob- house and Co. Bath. bankers-Nov. I, Kington. Bristol. builder-Nov. 7. Jones. Man- chester, drysalter -Nov. 7. Scott, Manchester. paper-dealer-Nov. 4, Williams. Bristol. builder-Nov. 4. Beck. Bristol, broker-Nov. 8. Protheroe junior. Bristol, irou-mer- chant-Nov. 4, 13aucks and Co. Manchester. booksellers- Nov. 5, Armour. Man- chester, fancy drill-manufacturer-Nov. 10. Tennant. Wigan, maltster-Nov. 1. Col- lingwood, Abingdon. corn-dealer-Nov. 8, Waller and Co. Manchester, cotton spinners _Nov. 3. Lee and Co. Liverpool, ironfounders-Nov. 2, Marshall, Weduesbury, iron- merchant. CILETIFICSTES Tole granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Noe. 1. Daintry, Manchester, hanker -Cooper. Manchester, warehousemau -Scott, Bir- mingham, gun-maker- Kemp, Northumberland Street, tailor-M. and W. Johnson, Cheadle, Staffordshire. grocers-Vincent, St. Mary Axe, tea.dealer -Sherlock. Liver- pool. ship-broker -Diekins. Northampton, upholsterer-Cook, Liverpool, ropemaker -May. Devonport, earthenware dealer.


HErmsasorr. EDWARD. Edinburgh, wine-merchant. Oct. 18. Nov. 8. Tomtexce, ROBERT, Edinburgh, tin-plate worker. Oct. 17, Nov. 7.

Friday, Oct. 14.


F. L. and T. A. Byrne. Liverpool. wine-merchants-Hammersloy and Sawbridge. Coventry, maltsters-Carter and Corthorn. St. Ives. linendrapers-C. and It. Wang- brough, Shrewstou. Wiltshire, farmers-J. P. and R. Henderson. Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, dentists-Brierly and Mattldson, Birmingham, booksellers -Davis and Robson. St. James's Market, Westminster. coffeehouse.keepers-Williams and Co. Swansea, copper-smelters; as far as regards H. L. Stephens-Crowder and Glover, Artillery Place West, whip-mounters-Blackburn and Kitson, Ossett, Yorkshire. ma- cnine-makers-Kendall and Hoyle, Halfrax, grocers-Allenby and Wiu. Lincoln, tanners-Cooper and Edwards. Leicester. lineudrapers-Stoddart and Co. Ashford. Kent. ironmongers-J. and C. Harding, Worcester. grocers-Old senior, and Old junior. Billingsgate, Soh-factors-Skinner and Martins, Brewer Street, Golden Square, tailors -W. and W. Wausey junior, Riches Court. Lime Street, merchants-Andrews and Cattermoul Southampton, ironmangers-Brown and Co. Kirknewton, Northumber- land, farmers-Parker and Warier. esinumers. Bastin. HENRY, Cambridge, slater, to surrender Oct. 22, Nov. 25: solicitors, Mr. Ashunt, Cheapside; and Mr. Adcock. Cambridge. Etyma, JOHN, King William Street, Strand, bookseller, Oct, 27. Nov. 25: solicitor. Mr. Meyrick. Furnivel's Inn ; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore. Baslughall Street. BORDIHIN, Erasown, Manchester, banker, Nov. 3, 25: solicitors, Mr. Fox, Finsbury Circus; and ldr. Earl. Manchester.

Css-nr, WILLIAM, Wanborough, Wiltshire, sheep-dealer, Nov. 1. 29: solicitors, Messrs. Crowdy, Swindon.

Goonstax, LEWIS. Tottenham Court Road, draper, Oct. 25, Nov. 25: solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday Street; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall St. Jones, BENJAMIN. Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire, banker. Nov.3. 25: solicitors. Mr. Fox, Finsbury Circus; Mr. Earle, Manchester; and Messrs Drew and Woosman, Newtown. Montgomeryshire. KEEN, ROBERT, Old George Yard, Snow Hill, cheese-factor. Oct. 27. Nov. 25: soli- citor, Mr. Fiddey. Temple; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. MANSELL, Eritrean. Chippenham, Wiltshire. upholsterer, Nov. 4, 25: solicitors, Mr. Barber. Furnival's Inn; aud Mr. Pinniger, Chippenham. RAWDON, Ions CHARLES. Leeds, wool-merchant, Nov. 5, 29: solicitors, Mr. Strang. ways. Barnard's Inn; and Mr. Robinson, Leeds.


Nov. 4, Bridgman, Upper Chapman Street, St. George's East. tallow-mailer-Nov. 4, Biggs, Coal Exchange, coal-merchant-Nov. 7, Sergeant, Stamford. chemist - Nor. 5, Woods, Lower Thames Street, licensed victualler-Nov. 4, Wells. St- Martin's- le-Grand, woollendmper-Nov. 4, Russell, Kingston-upon-Thames, upholsterer-Nov. 4. Woollett, Gould Square, City, merchant-Nov. 7. Wilson, Benham, Northumber- land, spirit-dealer-Nov. 7. Alexander, Newcastle-upon-True, dealer aud chapman- Nov. 4 Brown, Birmingham, ironmaster-Nov. 7. Cooke,13irmingham, brassibunder -Nov. Rayner, Blackburn, grocer-Nov. 10, (Allard, Plymouth, tea-dealer-Nov. 10, Morris. Deronport, ironfounder-Nov. 5. Worsley, Stockport, hosier-Nov. 5, Waldeck. Birmingham, spirit-dealer-Nov. 5. Fisher, Birmingham, coal-dealer- Nov. 8, Patched, Liverpool, saddler-Nov. S, Fogg. Manchester, merchant-Nov. 11, Imam, Beverley. dealer ; Nov. 8, Jefferson, Beverley, grocer-Nov. 7. Warden and Wanostrocht. Liverpool, merchants-Nov. 2, Buckley. Liverpool. cheese-factor-Nov. 4, Henske% Witton, Cheshire, ironmonger-Nov. 9. Dockmy and Pinder. Leeds. ma- chine-makers-Nor. 7, Hall, Kingston-upon-Hull, tobacconist-Nov. 7, Stone. Glou- ce,ter, linen-draper-Nov. 5, R. and J. Melling. Manchester, coachmakers-Nov. 4, Hornet Manchester, calico-printer-Nov. 10. Waterhouse, Glossop. cotton-spinner- Nov. 10. Knight and Martin. Manchester, cern-merchants-No. 5, Mottram. Alrewas. Staffordshire, woolstapler-Nov. 9, Mellor. Manchester, coal dealer-Nov. 5, Walker, Sheffield, cabinet-maker-Nov. 4, Scott, Constantine, Cornwall, scrivener-Nov. 5, Fawcett. Manchester, manufacturer-Nov. 9. Smith, Masbrough, miller-Nov. 10, Ma'am, Spaldiug, gas-manufacturer-Nov. EL Vas, Weymouth, grocer-Nov. 9, MGregor, Manchester, calico-printer-Nov. 8, Dean, Habergham Eaves, Lanca- shire, cotton-spinner-Nov. 7, J. and T. Hill. Wisbeach St. Peter's, merchants-Nov. 7, Young, Newcastle upon-Tyne, scrivener-Nov. 7, Drewry, Penrith, banker-Nov. 7. Barker and Adams. Nottingham, Hosiers - Nov. 7. Hide, Broadwater. Sussex. builder-Nov. 7, Bullivant, Ripley, dealer and chapman-Nov. 5, Brodrick,1 lymouth. merchant-Nov. 7, Bate. Compton, Staffordshire, timber-dealer - Nov. 7, Pidgeon and Co. Birmingham, merchants-Nov. 3, Barlow. Birmingham, brass-founder-Nov. 7, Belt, Whilatou, Durham, merchant-Nor. 7, Archer, Hanley. Staffordshire, tailor- Nov. 7. Trubshaw jun. Stafford, ironfounder-Nov. 4, Moore, Bishop Wearmonth, grocer-Nov. 5, Sanders, Birmingham, apothecary-Nov. 5, Cardwell, Manchester. merchant-Nov. 4, Cort and Harrison, Blackburn, cottou-spinners-Nov. 7. Nicholson, Halifax, innkeeper-Nor. 7. Sergeant, Barrow. Lincolnshire, draper-Nov. 5. Makin- son, Manchester, muslin manufacturer -Nov. 7. Goodall, Newcastle under-Lyme, inn- keeper-Nov. 5, Fenton, Liverpool, merchant-Nov. 7, R. and 3. Clews. Cobridge, Staffordshire. earthenware-manufacturers-Nov. 5, Massey, Habergham Eaves, Lan- castershire, worsted-spinner-Nov. 7. Mainwaring, Dudley, coal-master-Nov. 5. Squibb, East Cowes, rope maker-Nov. 7. Rees, Stourbridge, woollen-draper-Nov. 7. Atkinson, Greenbauk, Westmoreland, bobbin-manufacturer-Nov. 4, Brown, Leeds. worsted-spinuer- Nov. 4, Yeld and Co. Rugeley, brewers-Nov. 7, Jenkins, Haver- fordwest, auctioneer-Nov. 7, Scowcroft, Haverfordwest. scrivener -Nov. 5, Cohen, Manchester. goldsmith-Nov. 7. Jackson, Epworth, Lincolnshire. victualler-Nov. 7, Cornwell, Wolverhampton, shoe-manufacturer-Nov. 7. J. and B. Brown, Birming- ham. grocers- Nov. 7, Potter. Manchester. merchant -Nov. 5, Rosie and Constable. Manchester, corn merchants-Nov. 4, Robinson, Hulme, Lancashire, glass-mautifac- turer-N,N. 7, Vickers, Mauchester. iron-founder-Nov. 9, Nutter and Elliston, Cam- bridge, brewers-Nov. 4. J. and H. Mayor. Freckleton, Lancashire, corn-mer- chauts-Nov. 8, M. and W. Johnson, Cheadle, Staffordshire, grocers-Nov.7, Jardine. Haverfordwest, merchant-November 5, Felmiugham, Bath, sauce manufacturer- November 9. Robberds, Norwich, paper-maker-Nov. 4, Snowden, North Shields, grocer - November 7, Ma Tear, Manchester, merchant - November 5, Robin- son. Warrington, brewer- Nov. 7, J. and W. Mulholland. Liverpool, merchants -Nov. 4. Holt, Livesey, Lancashire, grocer-Nov. 5, Fry, Liverpool, merchant-Nov. 7. lagledew, Gainsborough, machine-maker-Nov. 4, Clarke, Liverpool, painter-Nov. 4, Porter, Honiton, innholder -Nov. 7. Saville. Lougton. Staffordshire, haberdasher- Nov. 4, Tattersall. Liverpool, c.,rnmerchant -Nov. 9, Harding, Tamworth, booker - Nor. 7. Halsall, Liverpol, marble-mason-Nov. 7. Brookbanks, Dudley, Worcester. shire, mercer-Nov. 7, Cockson, Manchester, commission-agent- Nov. 4. Proctor and Hyatt, Manchester. cotton-dealers-Nov. 10, G. B , J., and S. Hightleld, Liverpool, merchants-Nov- 7. M•Leod and Yarrow. Liverpool, ship-brokers-Nov. 7. Chawner and Duesbury, Bousall, Derbyshire, colour-manufacturer-Nov. 8, J. P. and P. Jack- son, Manchester, wool-dealers-Nov. 7, Casacuberta, Manchester, merchant-Nov. 8. Law, Manchester, chemist-Nov. 9. Rogers, Manchester, hop-merchant-Nov. 9. West. head, Manchester, small-ware-manufacturer-Nov. 9, Stephens, Liverpool. marine- stme dealer-Nov. 10, Bowyer, Liverpool, merchant-Nov. 5, Can, Kingsnorton. Worcestershire, factor-Nov. 8, Cross, Bristol, tea-dealer-Nov. 7, Wickham, Bristol. linen.merchant-Nov. 5, Laidman, Liverpool. ship-owner-Nov. 5. Henderson, Man- chester, merchant-Nov. 5, Woolcott. Bristol, marble-mason-Nov. 7, Percival, Liver- pool, lead-merchant-Nov. 7, Blew, Worcester, siue merchant.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Noe. 4. __Hawkins, Holyport, Berks, butcher-Brown, Newcastle.upon-Tyne, cooper-Ward,

Nottiugham- Abercane, Monmouthshire, acid manufacturer-. Broome, Oxford Street, lioendraper-lialfard and Co. Canterbury, bankers-Hide, Broadwater. Sussex, builder-Smyth, Cambridge, coachmaker-Jackson, Eastwood. Nottinghamshire, grocer-Matravers, Skinner Street, Bishopsgate Street, brewers- Brig junior, Kegworth. Leicestershire. common-brewer -Teesdale, Ulverston. Lan- cashire, paper-manufacturer-Taylor. Brighton. bookseller-Courtney, Bristol, banker -Woodhead, Meltham, Yorkshire, manufacturer.


Bermes, DUNCAN. Glasgow, clock-merchant. Oct. 22. Nov. 19. BItoWN. JOHN'. and STESI„ Anennittn. Greenock, merchants, Oct. 20, Nov. 10. BUCHAN. DAVID. Forfar. merchant. Oct. 19, Nov. 16. Dine, ANN. Edinburgh, nailer. Oct. 20, Nov. 10. FIFE, -, Portobello. manure-merchant, Oct. 20, Nov. 10, WDrmastr.. JAMES, Tomvorar. Perthshire. farmer, Oct. 18, Nov. 19. Morro, WILLIAM, Biggar. merchant, Oct. 21. Nov.9. THOMSON, JAMES Commit Aberdeen. ironmonger, Oct. 19, Nov. 16. Wortmaseams. JAMES, Easter Mavisbank, farmer. Oct. 20, Nov. 10.