FUND Saturday Monday. S. (Closing Tuesday. Prices.) Wednes Thurs. Friday 3 per Cent. Consols ........ 934 931 93 934 934 934 Ditto for Account
931 934 93 931 934 3 per Cents. Reduced shut - 92 ex d. 924 924 924 34 per Cents Reduced shut - IGO ex d 1004 1004 1004 New 34 per Cents 101 1014 1004 101 1014 1014 Long Annuities shut - 124 ex d. 124
124 Bank Stock, 7 per cent. shut - 166} ex d 1654 165 165 India Stock, 104 _ - 250 250 251 251 Exchequer Bills. 24. per diem 53 pm. 54 53 56 57 57 India Bonds, 34 per cent - 44 pm. 45 - 47
(Last Official Quota lion during ll e Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Cl. - Mexican 5 p. Ct. 32, Arkansas (1863) 6 - - Ditto (Deferred) 5 -
Austrian 5 - - Michigan 6 -
Belgian 5 -
1034 Mississippi (Sterling) ...6 -
Brazilian 5 - 634
Neapolitan 5
102 Buenos Ayres 6 - 22 New York (1855) 5
Cuba 6 - 79 Ohio 6
Chiliau 6 - - Pennsylvania 5
Columbian of 1824 6 - 204 Peruvian 6 16 Danish 3 - 82 Portuguese 3 22 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .24 - 524 Ditto 5
Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 1001
Ditto (New) 5
37 French 3 - - Russian 5 1124 Ditto 5 -
ner 50c.
Spanish 5 16 Indiana (Sterling) 5 - - Ditto (Passive) 4 Illinois 6 - - Ditto (Deferred) 96 Kentucky 6 - - South Carolina 5 p. Ct. 72* Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 - - Tennessee 6 -
Maryland 6 - - United States Bank
Wassachussetts (Sterling)5 - -
Virginia 5 -
S H A RES. (Last Official Quotation during th e Week ending Friday Evening.)
Brazilian Imperial
British North American 35 Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron
Colonial London and Westminster 20 221 Cain Branca
London Joint Stock
National of Ireland
Cobra Copper
National Provincial
Provincial of Ireland
Cheltenham and Great Western
Union of Australia 324 Eastern Counties at Union of London 94 Grand Junction
Docxs -
Great Western 824 East and West India 110 Liverpool and Manchester ....
London 824 London and Brighton 364 St. Katherine 1024 London and Blackwell 64 MISCHLTANEOMI -
Loudon and Greenwich
Australian Agricultural
London and Birmingham 185 British American Land
London and Croydon
Manchester and Leeds 70 General Steam
Midland Counties
Now Zealand
North Midland 574 Royal Mail Steam
South-eastern and Dover 224 South Australian
South-western 571 Van Diemen's Land
BUTTER-Best Freak. 134. 01 per dos' Carlow, 41. 4s. 10 41 13e per cwt. BACON, Small Neer, per cwt. 40s. to 30s.
CHEESE. Cheshire 58s. loss..
Derby Plain 315. to Hs. HAMS, York 78.. to 815.
EGGS, French... per 120 Os. Od. to 7s. ed.
HAY AND STRAW. ( Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Straw, It heat
lee 00,,,. 97s 75 .. 84 0 .. 0 .. 117 72 . 112 38 .. 43 0 .. 0 ..
o 0
.. 100 1111 80e 0 . 811.
.. • .. 110 .. 40
Kent Pockets ....
...... ........... 00o. to 100s. York Reds ......... ........per t.n 70s. to Os Choice Ditto
120 - 190 Ware 0 - 0 &wen Pockets
86 - 90 Middling
0 -. 0 Superfine Ditto
95 - 100 Clint.
0 ■ 0
Beef is. 4d to Ss. 4d. to Os. 84 31. Od. to 3., ad to
Holton 2 5 .. 3 2 .. 3 0 ... ..... 3 6 .. 4 0 ..
4 4
Veal 3 0 .. 3 8 .. 4 6 3 0 ... 3 15 .„
4 4
Pork 85 .. 4 0 .. 4 10 810 .. 4
0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 0 • To sink the offal-per albs. HEAD OF CKITLE AT SMITHFIELD.
Beasts. Sheep. Calves. Figs.
9,0118 718 MA 0 5,410 500 113 645 610
TEA, Bolles, fine, p. lb. Os. ltd. -Is. Ild Congou, fin,..... 0 -S 4 Souchong, fins 0 -3 0 • In Bond-Duty Is. 1d. per lb. COFFEE. fine (in bd) per cal. 1168. to 140s. Good Ordinary Ms. to 70s. SUGAR, Mu.covado . per ewt.34.. 1144.
West India Molasses 23e. to 101.
Town-made per sack 430. to 48s. Seconds 88 43
Ewes and SuKolk, on board ship 35 - 40
Norfolk and Stockton......... 33 - 38 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os.
POLLARD, fine Os. to 0$. BREAD, std. to 8d. the 41b. Loaf.
Rope Oil ......... cwt 21. 4s. 64 kfined 0 0 0
Linseed Oil IS I Linseed Oil Cake.- .. per 1000 0 0 0 CANDLES, per dozen, z.., d. (1! 0d. Moulds (ad. per 9.. Od.
COALS, Bottom 22•• 6d.
Tees 18.. Od.
Gold, Foreign in Bars ...per oz. 31. us. 9d. Old Spaoish. or Pillar Dollars.- 0 0 0 Mexican Boilers 0 4
Silver in Bars, Standard 0 4 1011
Copper, British Cakes..per ton 841. 3s. Iron, British Bars 3 17 Lead, British Pig 17 3 Steel, English 0 0 to 0 80 6- 6 00 0-- 17 10 0 0- 0 0 0
GRAIN, Mark Lane, October 14th.
• s.
s. e.
Wheat. RedNew 48 t o 30 Rye 95 to 37 Maple 31 to 33 Oats, Feed ... 16 to 18 Fine 30 . 59
.... 44 .. 25 White Mt .. 36 Fine 19 .. 20 White 49.. 50 Malting 48 .. 45 Boilers 38 40 l'oland 20 .. 55 Fine 52 .. 54 Melt, Ordinary. 46 46 Beans, 'Deka .. 25 . • 97 Fine
211 . SI
Superfine New54. .. 54 Fine 50 .. 54 Old 29 .. 30 Potato SS ..54 Old Peas, Hog 30 .. 39 Harrow 31 .. 83 FM* 24 .., 211 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN
CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wet.. For the present Week.
Wheat 52s. 81 Rye 302. 3d Wheat ..... 18s. Od. Rya
Barley PI 9 Beans -------- I 53 9 Barley 0 0 Beans I 0 6 Oats 111 5 Peas 93 3 Oat, 8 0 Peas I/