Arrived—Off Penzance, Oct. 12th, Prince George, Grant, from Singspore. At Liverpool, Oct. 12th, Enterprise, Robertson, from Calcutta; 13th, Argyleshire, Scott, from Bombay. At Mauritius, July 3d, Seringapatam, Pocket, from Stall; Mk, Briton, Evans, from Loudon. • At Bombay, previous te 27th Aug. Earl of Clare, Scott; Mary, Kemp; Inglis, Isaacson; Bussorah Merchant. Ferrier; Morley, Evans ; Boadicea. Withers; Colum- bus, Short; Rajahsthan, Stewart; and Kelso, Roxburgh, from London ; Windsor Castle, NVCIelland ; Ann, Salkeld ; Candahar, Keir; Caledonia, Robinson ; Argyle, Rattray; and Formosa, Laidley, from Liverpool ; Royal Adelaide, Sinclair. from the the Clyde ; Northumberland, Collie; and W. Wallis, Lungstaff. from Newcastle. At Madras. previous to 18th Aug. Amts. Ballemy ; Anna, Robertson, Hamilton ; Hindustan, Redman ; F. Smith, Edmonds ; Mellish, Fawcett; Princess Royal, Fen- wick; Dauntless, Wakefield; Orator, Tayt; and Ann, Thorue, from Londou ; and Favourite, Scaddan, from Newcastle. At Ceylon, previous to 13th Aug. Helen Mary, Palmer ; Morning Star, Harrison; and Helen, Younger, from London; Ann Dingwall, Arthur, from Liverpool; and Eli- zabeth Walker, Crawford, from the Clyde. At Calcutta, previous to 13th Aug. City of Poouali, Bird; Lady Faversham. ; Charles Kerr, Garbutt ; Helen Thumson, Petrie; Malacca, Shutter; Florist. Huggap S. George, Wright ; Mary Bannatyne. Paken ; Sultan, Robinson ; Charlotte, Haw- kins ; Brooke, Carpenter ; Elizabeth, Morris; Semarang, Robertson; Princess Royal, Brook; Romeo, Pollock; York. Legg ; Nith, Shaw; Thomas Lowry, Graham ; Gle- nag, Riles; Washington. Barnet; and Ourraghniore, Ball, from London ; Princess Royal, Robinson; Cuthbert Young, Henderson ; Mary Somerville, Pearson ; John- stone, Harrison; Crania. Martin ; Winnifrsi, Hardy ; Malabar. Barker ; and Hutches. of Clarence, Back, from Liverpool; Ruby, Dangerfiehl, frog° Bristol; Reginald He. tier, Macfarlane; and Imogene. Shields, from the Clyde ; and Emily, Newton, from Newcastle.
At Singapore. July 19th, Anna Maria, West; Midas, Pierce; and Henry. Easterby, from London; Aden. Ponsouby; Gesmiui, Maidon; and Princess Royal, Newby, from Liverpool ; and James Ewing, Maitland, from the Clyde. At China, May 27th, John Christian, Withycombe; and Bengalee, from Liver. pool.
The Copeland, Sims, from Liverpool to China, was wrecked near Batavia on the 27th J.Ltnet part of the cargo has been saved.
The Martha Ridgway, from New 7.ealand to India, is wrecked in Torres Straits; part of the crew saved, the captain and seven men missing.
Sailed—From Gravesend, Oct. 13th, Hailing, Underhill, for Calcutta.