15 OCTOBER 1859, Page 9


The telegram from India comprises a statement that "the corre- spondent of the Madras Athenaeum at Calcutta had telegraphed to Madras that Lord Canning had been relieved, and that Lord Clarendon was to succeed him." The incorporation of this statement in the telegram appears to invest it with some degree of warrant ; and the greater air of probability is given to the report by a rumour very current in India among the enemies of the present Governor-General that Lord Canning is about to return. We have authority, however, for stating that there is no truth in the report.—Globe.

Prince Alfred, according to current reports, has accepted the Sultan's in- vitation to visit Constantinople.

It is understood that the Commander-in-Chief had decided on leaving Simla on the 20th of September, whence he would march down to Lueknow, in order to meet the Governor-General, who was expected in the capital of Dude about the 15th or 20th of October. It is probable that Lord Clyde would then take leave of Lord Canning, as the latter is on his way to visit Agra. Delhi, Lahore—perhaps Peshawur—before he takes up his quarters at Simla, which will be the seat of Government next summer. Lord Clyde will leave India at the close of this year, or early in January, as at present advised. Except in escaping the heat, he has not derived much benefit from his stay in Simla, and he is said to have suffered during all the rains from a severe cold. The staff have all suffered more or less from illness, With the exception, perhaps, of Colonel Sterling, Military Secretary, who has enjoyed excellent health.—Times. [We have reasons of our own to believe this intelligence to be well-founded.] Lieutenant-General Sir J. L. Pennefather, K.C.B., late goVemor and commander-in-chief at Malta, has arrived in town from the Continen4- and will forthwith succeed Lieutenant-General Sir Harry G. W. Smith, Batt, G.C.B., in the command of the northern district.

The Marquis d'Azeglio Sardinian Minister in London, has gone to Paris. Prince and Princess Metternich are also there.

Lord Cowley and Count Kisselef dined with Count Walewski in Paris on Tuesday. The Russian starts immediately for Warsaw. He will first see the French Emperor.

Count Cavour arrived at Turin on the 10th to act as president of the com- mittee on the electoral law, which was to meet on the following day. "Prince Napoleon," says a letter from Thurgau, "during his excursion vr in Sitzerland visited the Chateau of Arenenberg, which he had not seen since he was very young, when he came from time to time to see his aunt, Queen Hortense.', M. Guizot has left Val Richer to pass a short time at the Chateau of La- grange, near Bordeaux, the seat of Count Duehatel.

Marshal Mlifahon, on his arrival at Lille, received an Irish deputation, who presented him in the name of Ireland with a gold medal.

Lola Mentes embarked at Southampton on Tuesday, on board the Ham- monis steamer, for New York.

Death has deprived England of another of her famous engineers. Mr. Robert Stephenson, who has been ill for some days, expired on Wednesday. He has passed away, says the Times, "if not very full of years, very full of honours—the creator of public works, the benefactor of his race, the idol of his friends." Robert Stephenson was the son of George Stephenson. He was born in 1803. Having served in a colliery under his father, he was sent at fifteen to the University of Edinburgh, where in six months he gained the prize for Mathematics. Thenceforth his career was distinguished. He soon became eminent as a manufacturer and improver of locomotives, and his "Rocket" and " Planet " will long be remembered. To him we owe the London and Birmingham Railway, the vast bridges on the Nile, the Conway, the Menai Straits, the St. Lawrence, railway works in almost every

i country n Europe, Africa, and America, and scientific labours of all kinds. Science found in him a generous promoter; and in 1855 he paid off a debt amounting to 31001., which the Newcastle Literary and Philosophical So- ciety had incurred, his motive being, to use his own phrase, gratitude for the benefits which he himself had received from it in early life, and a hope that other young men might find it equally useful.

Sir George Goodman, often Mayor of Leeds, and its representative in Par- liament from 1852 to 1857, died on Thursday in his house at Roundhay. He was the first Mayor of Leeds under the Municipal Corporation Act.

.(in of Sir Edmund Head, recently drowned while bathing, was interred on-the 30th September, at Quebec, and the funeral was attended with great public demonstrations of sympathy.

ir Richard Bothell is suffering from the effects of a gun accident. While shooting at his country seat, several shots struck his leg.

Ir Steps are being taken to promote the erection of a monument to the late Sir John Franklin at Spilsby, Lincolnshire, where the gallant Arctic hero was born.

Captain M'Clintock has just been presented with a handsome gold chro- nometer by the officers and crew of the screw yacht Fox, the companions of his late search and labours in the Arctic regions. The chronometer bears the following inscription :—Presented to Captain F. L. M'Clintock, R.N., by the officers and crew of the R.Y.S. exploring yacht Fox, as a token of their esteem and regard during a service of two and a-half years under his command in the Arctic Seas." Signed by the whole of the officers and Crew.

Major-General Eden, a Guardsman, without a decoration, and of no war service, has retired from the command of the Plymouth district, to be suc- ceeded by Major-General Hutchison, also a Guardsman, and of about the same amount of service. And Major Pearson, likewise a Guardsman, has been appointed Assistant Adjutant-General of the Army, in succession to Colonel Reynolds. We have not time to inquire if Major-General Hutchi- son has been appointed to Plymouth in the routine order which the General Commander-in-Chief has laid down for himself in respect to other appoint- ments, or if Major Pearson is the only officer of suitable rank who has passed an examination for the staff since March, 1857. Whether or no, we think that a rigid limit should be fixed to the number of staff appointments bestowed upon the Guards. They have already one enormous advantage in being declared eligible for the staff on attaining the rank of Captain (which carries with it that of Lieutenant-Colonel), without going through the process of a residence at the Staff College, and the superior army rank which they enjoy carries them up the ladder of preferment more rapidly than the hard-working branch of the army. There should, therefore be some line drawn to prevent these adventitious circumstances from becoming the source of a positive and continuous injury to meritorious officers, whose peace service does not happen to be restricted to garrison duty in London, Windsor, Winchester, Chichester' and Dublin. The artillery and engineers cannot send up more than two or three candidates at any one time to com- pete with the infantry and cavalry for admission to the college. The nume- rical inferiority of the scientific corps justifies this restriction. The same principle is recommended to have operation in respect to the Guards. Even if they be eligible for the staff, and are next on the roster for advancement, they should be passed over when their quota of appointments has been supplied. Something of this sort is expected of the Dukeof Cambridge as a guarantee that he does not intend to depart from the strict impartiality he has hitherto apparently practised. The line has deserved much of late years, and it has a fair right to expect that Indi 11 warfare shall give it as good a title to honourable preferment as the ardaous campaigns of Alder- shot and the Curragh.— United Service Gazette.

The Luxembourg and Thionville railway was inaugurated last week with great pomp. There were present, M. Teach, sent by KinKLeopold, and the Prince of Orange and Prince Henry, sent by the King of Holland. The Belgian Minister WWI treated with marked cordiality by the Dutch princes, who are no longer prohibited from setting foot in Belgian soil.

A telegram from Leghorn, received by a mercantile house in Manchester, says :—" Suspend all orders, as the Piedmontese tariff is put in execution here."

The municipal council of Paris have decided on the building of ten new churches. One will be erected on the Boulevard des Invalides ; another, on the Place Laborde and a third, in the Avenue Parmentier. Two magnificent sidles to be added to the military galleries of the palace at Versailles are now approaching their termination. One is to receive pic- tures representing the different battles during the campaign in the Crimea, and the other those of the late war in Italy. Mr. William Bean of Scarborough, has sold a collection of fossils to the British Museum for 8101.

The splendid American aloe in the botanic gardens in Kew, said to flower once in 100 years, being now in full bloom, Sir W. Hooker has postponed their closing for mother month, to enable the public to view this extraordi- nary plant.

The Progresso of Genoa was seized on the 6th for publishing a letter by Ilazzini.

The Government of Romagna has issued a decree forbidding the exporta- tion of saltpetre and sulphur to the Pontifical territory.

The English Eleven now in America played their first match at Mon- treal. They began on the 24th September, and finished on the 27th. The Canadians, twenty-two, scored 85 in the flint, and 63 in the second innings. The English Eleven scored 117 in the first, and got the required number, 39, in the second innings, with only two wickets down.

October is a healthy month in London. In the week that ended last Sa- turday the deaths were 996, having been above a thousand weekly, in some instances much above that point, during the previous three mouths. After reducing the mortality 111 corresponding weeks of the last ten years, 1849-58, to the extent of the deaths from epidemic cholera in two outbreaks, it will be found that the deaths returned for last week are less by nearly a hundred than the number that would arise under the average rate of mot- taiity.—Registrar-Generars Report.

"An English Traveller" writing from Bruges on the 6th, says—" The eholera—which I -encountered at ITum burg in July, and at Cologne last month—has travelled westward with steady steps, and is now raging in this fair old city. The Channel alone divides it from England, and the Thames would afford it a hearty reception should it cross the narrow sea." The deaths at Bruges in a population of 50,000 were 280 per week.

Dr. Smethurst, though at the present time lying under sentence of death, it is understood Will not suffer the extreme penalty of the law. But from inquiries that have been made by direction of the Government, startling circumstances have come to the knowledge of the authorities, which we be- lieve will compel them, with a due regard to justice to commute the sen- tence to nothing short of penal servitude for life.—Globe.

The handsome Theatre at Hull was totally destroyed by fire on Thurs- 'day. How it originated has not been ascertained.

The Duke of Itiohnlond steamer ran on shore a few miles north of Aber- deen. She had on beard 114 persons, including many children, and several head of cattle between decks. The master was ill, and she was in command of a Mr. Geddes, who went below and left her in care of the mate. Happily, the crew and passengers were saved. Great efforts were made to get the ship off, but they proved fruitless.

Mr. John E. Gowan the contractor for raising the sunken vessels at Sebastopol, has says die Boston Post, been invited by the Allidl Com- missioners on the Danube to raise a large number of vessels sunk at the Sulina entrance of the Danube, and to remove some serious impediments. He has also been invited by the Austrian Government to raise several ships of war and large war steamers sunk in the harbour of Venice during the late war.