The chief feature of the present week in the English Market has been the preparation for and settlement of the Coved Account on Tuesday and Wed- nesday, the quotation being well supported in consequence of the scarcity of Stock. On Monday the first price was 951 951 business during the day was -very limited, and although the Government:Broker discontinued his pur- chases on account of the Savings Banks, (which have been carried on daily for some weeks) the Market:was not particularly depressed. On Tuesday an advance to 9o1 96 took place, and a considerable amount of business was transacted at those figures. On Wednesday another instance of the willing- ness, the absolute wish to believe anything and everything unfavourable of the Emperor Napoleon's policy, no matter how absurd the report, was ex- emplified in a fall in Consols of nearly per cent, and this upon a rumour that *Louis Napoleon was about to demand compensation of Sardinia for the late war. Yesterday the Market was forced down to 95/ sellers. Today another feature presents itself, and all is peace where no -war before existed ; there has been a good deal of animation, and at one moment there were buyers at 96; French Rentes were telegraphed 40 centimes better, adding materially to the strength of the Consol Market. Indian Scrip halt been in active demand, and closes after a busy market Hag lon, or -51 51 -prem.' and the paid-up Loan, 102-1 102k; Bank Stock, 219 222; Exchequer Bills, 25s. 28s. Consols for 8th November, 951 96, firm. The Foreign Market has been quiet, and very little change in values will be noticed; • Mexican have been dull, and are now 221 224. A good deal of fluctuation has taken place in Turkish Stook, owing to the unfavourable in- telligence from Constantipole ; the lad prices are for the Old Six per Cents, 78 79, and for the New, 68 69; Buenos Ayres stationary, 78 80 ; Ditto, Three per Cents, 191 201; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents have not been much dealt in, but close firm, poi 91j; and the Three per Cents, ex. div., 70 71. Uribarren, 83 84, and the Dollar Bonds, 81 83; Venezuela Three per Cents, 27 28 ; Chilian Six per Cents, 103 105 ex. div. ; Ditto, Four-and-a-half per Cents, 88 90; Ditto, Three per Cents, 74 76; Spanish, 46 461; Portuguese, 4.5! 46f; Brazilian, 95 96 ; Austrian, steady, 75 78; Victor Emmanuel, 91 92. In Sardinian Stock very little business has been negotiated, and the leaving-off quotation is nominally 86 87. Russian Five per Cents, 99 100. The Railway Share Market has been quiet and in animate, and up to today dull, with a tendency, to lower rates ; an average rise of 1 per cent has oc- curred since the morning, but attention is principally directed to the settle- ment on Monday, this being the first snaking-up day. North British, 58! 591, and Caledonian, 45 451; Great Western, -63.1 64; Midland, 105 1051 ; London and North-Western, 91 941 ; London and South-Western, 94 95 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 9619611; Berwick, 88189; Chester and Holy- head, 481 49; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 3536; South-Eastern and Dover, 221 231; North Staffordshire, 41 4; London and Brighton, 112 113. The traffic returns continue to show increased receipts, and but for occasional disquieting rumours it is probable the Share Market -would exhibit considerable improvement. The French Market is fiat and business negleeted. Lyons, 451 36k; Northern of France, 361 37; Lombardo-Venetian, 11 2 prem. : the chief business has been in the latter, but the quotation has varied only to a trifling extent. The numerous calls now pending on East Indian shares have caused heaviness for the time in the Indian market. East Indian, 100 101; Great Indian Peninsula, 96 97; Maeras, 91 93 ; Bombay and Btaoda, 161 161. Joint Stock Banks have been rather more active tins week, and a rise in the Westminster and London and County of 1 per cent has been established, the former being quoted 51 52, and the latter .301 -31k; London and Joint Stock, 301 311; the rest are all firm at their respective quotations.