Al! this is favourable. On the other hand, the reports
from Paris as to provisions are not so satisfactory. M. Gambetta says the city has enough "for long months," but the best estimates show beef and mutton only for five weeks at 5f ounces a head a day. There remain the horses, about 100,000 of them, and the large supplies of bacon purchased in Ireland ; but we should like to have heard something of the supply of salt, as the beasts to be useful must, when forage fails, be salted down. Otherwise they will eat more than men would. We have seen no reasonable estimate of the supply of flour, and Paris left without meat will want 7,000,000 loaves a week, and then be in danger of low fever. There is plenty of wine, however, and water, and the citizens themselves express no fear of famine. By all accounts, friendly or hostile, they are only too gay.