[To THE EDITOR 07 THE ospicrArort."] SIR,—When I left the service, I did my best to throw off the "captain." We all have our little vanities, and it seemed to me that, as a man grows into years, the prefix of that modest rank might at any time be reasonably taken by the casual to signify (let us say) the skipper of a barge. But my struggle was useless, and with me the proverb has proved absolute, that once a captain always a captain. In the Spectator of October 8th, your reviewer attributes to Captain O'Shea the author. ship of " Roundabout Recollections." This designation is generally given to myself, but I am unfortunately bound to deny the honour. The boos is by a very able and amusing writer who is a namesake, although no relative.—I am, Sir, Sze., W. H. O'SHEA (late Captain 18th Hussars).
124 Victoria Street, S.W., October 10th.