We have enjoyed an autumn which may reasonably persuade us that England possesses the best climate in the world. The roses continue to blossom. In one new garden the entrance to the house is festooned with flowers and foliage of the Passion plant and that most precious of all single-flowered 'climbers, the Mermaid rose. Not many people perhaps will :readily. belieVe ' that the first is hardy enough to stand our climate ; but this is on an exposed ridge in the Home Counties some little way north of London, not in the semi-tropical region of Devon and Cornwall. As for Mermaid, its flowers are of immense size and better form perhaps than at any date. It is likely that there will still be a blossom or two in December. Did anyone ever see bedding roses make so much wood at this date ? and though their growth is more remarkable perhaps than their blossoming, a good many carry summer-like blooms- not only such invincible flowers as Zephyrinc Drouin or the Poulsens or the old monthly, but K. of K., Betty Uprichard and Covent Garden.