[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—Your generous note with reference to The New Common- wealth in the Spe.etator dated October 8th is much appreciated. Perhaps I may be allowed to add some particulars for the benefit of any readers of the Spectator who may wish to know more about us.
The New Commonwealth is an international society founded and sponsored by persons from many different countries, who contend that, given the fact of political nationalism and the tenacity of 'old habits and traditions, any machinery of inter-State relations depending merely on sweet reasonableness is bound to be inadequate as a guarantee of peace. We recognize that the League of Nations as established in 1919 is only an embryo, and we suggest that the experience of thirteen years, culthinating in the Sino-Japanese dispute, has shown that the machinery needs overhauling, much in the same way as the Confederation of States in America was transformed after eight years' trial into a Federation. Two pieces of social machinery, we maintain, are essential and urgent—and I might emphasize the order in which our proposition is stated. We advocate : (1) the provision of a proper international magistracy for the reconsideration of treaties (i.e., implementing Article 19 of the Covenant), and
(2) the creation of an international force as the sanction of international law and as a'gruarantee of security for all nations.
Lord Davies (author of The Problem of the Twintieth Century), is the moving spirit of this new enterprise, and Treasurer of the Society. The Right Hon. G. N. Barnes is President, and all particulars may be obtained from the Secretary.
The New Commonwealth,' Mowbray House, Secretary. Norfolk Street, W.C. 2.