M. Titulesco and His Country The vicissitudes of M. Titulesco's
political career have been many, but the most, recent has a much, more than personal interest. The late Rumanian Minister in London has always been the potential saviour of his country, the man who was to step in and form a national government and carry the financial and economic reconstruction of Rumania through. M. Titulesco has regularly inspected the post and its prospects—and declined. Last month, being then Rumanian delegate at Geneva, he suddenly threw up that position and.his office in London, as protest, it was understood, against his Government's decision to ratify the long-discussed non-aggression pact with Russia. That is one of a series of similar agreements contracted by Russia with the border-States and also with France, but Rumania has always hitherto refused to sign unless the Soviet Government would formally recognize her sover- eignty. over Bessarabia, annexed by her at the end of the war. M. Titulesco's sudden appointment as Foreign Minister is a curious sequel to his resignation. It remains to be discovered whether it is he or his govern- ment that has shifted ground, and where the King stands.
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