Sir Eric Miller
Sir: Though the Spectator may see most of the game, I am unable to account for the omission by Mr Patrick Marnham in his article Doing the decent thing (1 October) of the church and social affiliations of Mr Jim Slater, Mr John Poulson, the late Sir Denis Lowson and others. In such a context, to have mentioned others in addition to the late Sir Eric Miller would surely have given a wider view of modern society, more in keeping with the Spectator and with the world as it is, rather than concentrating so knowledgeably, as he does, on one single individual. The reader who has no personal knowledge of any of these people might easily be misled into thinking that Anthony Trollope's Victorian xenophobic antisemitism was being revived in order to play an unworthy game, lacking in traditional English fair play.
(Miss) Amelia Woolfson Bromley High School, Bromley, Kent