Porter supporter
Sir: I attended the hearing at which coun- sel for Lady Porter, QC Mr Anthony Scrivenor, urged the Westminster District auditor to disqualify himself from hearing the case for the defence on ,the grounds that he had, effectively, already judged it, and broadcast his verdict to the world through the media, His case could not have been better illus-
trated than by John Ware's article, (`The brass neck of Dame Shirley Porter', 8 Octo- ber). This clearly demonstrated Mr Scrivenor's well-made point: that the bur- den of proof has, as a consequence of Mr Magill's unjudicial behaviour, been shifted from the accusers to the defence. No Spec- tator reader can have been in doubt that the woman with `the brass neck' was known by all the world to be guilty, but if she wasn't, was fortunate to have been given 'the opportunity of overturning the case against her'.
Katie Ivens
49 Ordnance Hill, London NW8