The cholera scarcely abates, and the alarm increases. Not content
with the special prayer ordered for tomorrow, many persons are calling out for a general fast., and in some places a local fast has been observed.
Medical and lay writers continue to discuss the intimate nature and canoes of cholera the most effective in the controversy being a correspondent of the Morning Chronicle, " Anti.Zymosis," who suggests observations to test his hypothesis that cholera is caused by the abse/Tee of ozone in the atmosphere ; at the same time ascribing to the excess of that gaseous substance the disease called influenza. Ozone is a super-oxide of hydrogen, and its formation is promoted by the action of electricity or combustion ; and in support of his theory, "Anti-Zymosis" pointed to the im- munity of Birmingham and some particular spots where large furnaces are at Work. A very able writer in the Times, on " Cho- lera Morbus and the Sanitary. Movement," treats all theories as "not proven," including t.hat of Anti-Zymosis ; and he points to excessive mortality at Wolverhampton 'and Wedneabury as fatal counter-evidence. In 183:2, if we are not mistaken, the immunity of Birmingham was ascribed to its geological position, on sand- stone. The writer in the Times, however, shows all theorists to agree in the one point, that debility is the predisposing cause of cholera; wherefore he advocates sanatory measures as the great paiStative. Ai? cktina suggestions, 1. ./essor Forbes Winslow hints at baize some step to inspire coni" !Once and cheerfulness, fear being
a predisposing cause ; and" pending such a coup d'etat, he
advises individuals to cultivate a pious trust and put away Linz cheerful thoughts. We believe thaVtliis Cause can scarcely be overrated ; for we have heard of several cases, in wholly different classes of society, where the most alarming symptoms, sometimes greatly resembling the disorders and even the collapse of cholera, have been produced by sheer panic. No doubt, the great counter- active to such exciting cause is isagi: intelligent conception of the facts, especially a distinct concep nf-rthe ratio and limitation of the chances, and a healthy rellgions• faith—which is by no means restricted to sectarian privilege—in the unfailing benefi- cence of eternal laws ; a faith which 'corrects the selfishness' of fear, and enables man to meet his fate, when called upon, with a cheerful willingness to accept his part in the carrying-out of that universal beneficence.
We do not see what coup d'etat could be available for a general exhilaration, unless it were a general remission of taxes. Will Mr. Disraeli add this to his Buckinghamshire programme ?,Mean- while, the Public Health officers are exerting a laudable and valuable activity. In accordance with sound policy, the Board. of Health is giving a wide interpretation to the Nuisances Act for a general closing of burial-grounds; not without bpposition from vested interests and the local jealousy of central authority. However inclined to be frightened into cholera, your true Eng- lishman will stand up for his "rights." One briLliant specimen of the Briton, in the recusant parish of St. Saviour Southwark, implies an admission *that the step is expedient, by saying that he would support it if the prohibition of intramural interment were general. The Board is bound by its powers, and can only proceed in specified cases, on a declaration of- nuisance : but the worthy parishioner does not see, if other places are left to poison themselves, why Southwark should be forbidden ; he claims a constitutional right to ruin his constitution, and will not admit that the Board of Health has any authority to make him better off than other people. So some parishes are going to law, to make good their right of resistance against being purified and cured of pestilence.