WAR-OFFICE, Sept. 11.-7th Regt. of Drag. Guanla-Lient. A. P. Gore to be Cant. • by purchase, vice Petre, who retires ; Cornet T. G. Smith to be Lieut. by Purchase, Tice Gore. 2d Regt. of Foot-Enslgn G. Gellop to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Kirkby, who retires. lath Foot-Acting Assist.-Surg. H. Si. Fraser, 51.0..t6 be Assist.-Sug. vice Kennedy, appointed to the Staff. 19th Foot-Major-Gen. C. Turner to be Col. vice Gen. Sir W. Si. Peacocke, K.C. den. Slat Foot-Ensign S. Christian- to be Fleck. by purchase, vice Bolton. promoted In the Sr. Helena Regt. 33d Foot-Lieut.W. PretYman to be Capt. by purchase, vice Dittman, who retires; Ensign and Adjt. O. C. Barrett to have the rank of Lieut.; Ensign F Corbett to be Lieut. by purchase! eke Pretyman. 40th. Foot-Ensign H. C. Wise, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Illcaseu, -who retires; • Ensign J. Pinckney to -be Lieu, by-purchase, vice Forbes, who retires. 60th Foot-Lieut. 3. F. Jones to be Capt.- without purehase, vice•Holbecb, dec. ; Sec. Lieut, A. C. Greville to he First Lieut. vice Jones; Sergt.-3thjot F. gitsporick ta be See. Lieut. vice Greollie. 111th Foot-Assist.-Surg. T.:P. Matthew, from the Staff! is be Surg. vice Cbaritoe, dec. 72d Foot -Lient.-Cot. F. Murray, from hale-gay 1754 Foot, to be Lient.-Col. vice C. Gascoyne, who exchanges ; Ensign A. Allson lobe Lieut. by purchase, vice Rathborne, who retires.
3d West India Regt.-EnsIgn R. W. Harley to be Lieut, without purchase, eke Wheeler, dec.
St. Helena Regt.-Capt. G. Woollard to be Major, by purchase. vice O'Dell, who retires ; Lieut. A. S. Bolton, from the list Foot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Woolle"1,' meted. . Malta Fencible Regt.-C. Mai, M.D. to be Assist.-Sorg. vice Bernard, Pm' Hospital Staff-Assist-Surg. E. J. Kennedy, M.D. from the 16th Foot, to be Assist: Surg. to the Forces,. vice Matthew, promoted In the (17th Foot. OFFICE or OkDNANCE Sept. 10.-Royal Regt. of Artilleri-rSec. Lieut. C. L.A. IFTernan to be First Lieut. vice Traherne, den.