The Freese insists that the difference between M. de Fallonx
and the President has been very serious, and that the Minister has only consented to remain in the Cabinet on the urgent persuasion of M. Thiers. M. de Fitlloux has kept to his room, closely shut up from business or friendly visiters for two days, on the plea of illness.
Letters from Toulon, of the 10th instant, state that the Government has ordered an expedition to Tangier to support the representative of the French Republic in claims on the Emperor of Morocco.
The Genoa Gazette of the 7th instant announces that Garibaldi had landed at Porto Venere, in the Sardinian territories: he was to be kindly received at Genoa, and aided in his transit to any foreign country that he might prefer.
The Federal Council of Geneva has notified to the several Cantons which "tolerate among them Austrian, Hungarian, and Lombardian deserters," that those Cantons" must take the consequences of such toleration "; the Confederation having entered into no engagement on that behalf.
Gorgey passed through Vienna on the 8th instant, on his way to Styria. He was accompanied by his wife and physician, and his escort, the Aus- trian Major Andrassy. He is still suffering from a wound in his head, re- ceived at Comorn. Some persons suppose he will in course of tune reenter the Austrian service; but I think it very improbable: the chances are, that he will either devote his time to his favourite pursuit, chemistry, or else, perhaps, enter some foreign service.—Times Correspondent. Vienna letters of -the-9th instant state that Peterwardein surrendered to thelniperial troops On the 5th instant; but the news is not certain.