Turkey has dismal prospects before her, and an Eastern ques-
tion, probably to the great content of the Emperor,—if he is well enough at least to take any pleasure in the haute politique,—is once more forcing itself upon Europe. The Candiote insurrection has been succeeded by a serious insurrection in Epirus, and the insur- rection in Epirus by a rising in the Lebanon. 3,000 Epirote insurgents recently attacked a body of Turkish troops, "killing 11 and wounding 250," says the report, but somehow forgetting to mention the result of the engagement. The'movement is spread- ing, it is said, throughout Epirus. The Candiote Assembly have decided to raise a loan of 5,000,000 drachmas (say 150,0001.), and have resolved, it is said, that the island shall be annexed to Greece. The Christian population of Candia, who are apparently all in revolt, outnumber the Mohammedans by two to one, 216,000 to
107,000, there or thereabouts, and with an insurrection in Epirus, and the Druses up against the Maronites and the Government in the Lebanon, it will not be easy for the Turks to send sufficient troops to quell these formidable risings. The time for the final exit of Turkey from Europe seem fast approaching.