here." The same writer addslithat the Secessionists constantly hoodobf King's
County, has seized lite proldtious-blankness of the speculate when -they will be tlible -44-to begin Pto gather their i depiefahitedmiration andavonder at the triumphant diplomacy of niggers." " Andy :Johnson," they say, "means to given's becit I seasonasehe opportunityfor 'writings curious pamphlet professing to our niggers," and in one' county there are persons who have France/quid, on that ground; recommending. Lord Stanley to open bought "the chance of negroes at 10 dollars per head." No wonder they mistake Mr. Johnson's intentions. A policy of permitting enormities is very near indeed to a policy of perpe- trating them. negotiations with Paris for improving the position of this already triumphant power, and securing to France the boundary of the Rhine. We have spoken at length of this surprising document, to which Lord Stanley is not very likely to pay much attention, in another place ; here we need only suggest a possible motive for it. There has been a revived rumour this week,—probably of little value, like most of the political canards of a long vacation,—that Prussia intends to set up the Duchy of Warsaw again, and to give it to King John of Saxony to rule. If Mr. Hennessy is in any such chimerical plot, and he,oas the great advocate of the Poles in England, is likely to be one of the first talkers consalted,—he may in his astuteness think it politic to set England against France on the boundary question, in order to secure her for Prussia. Cer- tainly Prussia would need strong support, if she were to attempt to consolidate North` Germany under herself, to _set up a weak, independent power on her eastern border as a-buffer between herself and Russia, and to decline to give-France any compensation in the West. And if Mr. Hennessy's pamphlet has any reasonable motive at all, it is to quicken the English jealousy of France. No doubt he does this in the Irish fashion of driving a pig. to market, by pulling it by its tail in the opposite direction. In words he
says, "You are so weak and miserable in consequence of resisting the great and magnificent French Empire, that it is your obvious
policy to devise a plan for making it still greater and more magni- ficent ! " Of course he does not mean that. Bat who has the key to Mr. J. Pope Ilennessy's political cipher?