Mr. Gladstone, it is said, is going to pass the
winter in Rome. He will be there when the time comes for executing the convention between France and Italy for the withdrawal of the Roman garrison, and we only hope the Roman Committee will not try to profit by his counsels. Perhaps the Pepe might get a little,good advice out of him, if the Holy Father would only ask him frankly what to do, and he would be a far more scrupulous, conscientious, and disin- terested, and probably a far wiser.adviser than any cardinal. The Monde, Ultramontane Paris organ of the Pope, is vehement for the flight to Malta. But we should think the Pope, if. he takes any disinterested and liberal English advice, will be advised to throw himself frankly on the King of Italy. The angry Govern- ment organs at Rome are sneering that of course Mr. Gladstone will begin by visiting the prisons. 'He always visits the prisons.' He will scarcely make the attempt under so temporary a rigime as the Papal, but he will no doubt visit the Vatican, and it will be the Pope's own fault if that should really prove in effectto be what it is not unlikely to be—a visit to the State prison in Rome.