15 SEPTEMBER 1877, Page 2

The new Manchester Town Hall, built for the Corporation in

the Gothic style by Mr. Waterhouse, and said to be the grandest Hate' de Ville in existence, was opened on Thursday with a banquet, at which Mr. Bright made the principal speech. He returned thanks for the House of Commons, and was very amusing in his description of its feeble state of health. The anxious signs, he said, were a great loss of appetite, a distressing languor, and if not positively a "foul," at least a very much "furred" tongue ; nor did he see any better remedy than the ordinary prescription in such cases,—namely, send it to the country, He then went on to descant of the wealth and public spirit of which this building was the sign, and to warn the country, and especially the operatives, that that wealth and public spirit might pass away and leave Manchester a waste of ruined factories.