Totemism. By J. G. Frazer, M.A., Barrister. (Black, Edin- burgh.)—The
origin of totemism is still obscure, so much we gather from what Mr. Frazer says. Indeed, he leaves the question where he finds it, having done little besides collect a quantity of evidence, with perhaps here and there a note or two. There can he little doubt that totemism is of great antiquity and extent.
It probably gave rise to feudalism, and was the great factor in the preservation, isolation, and initial separation of nations and clans.
The Australian aborigines have brought it to a high pitch ; but they certainly have not been improved by its working. Mr. Frazer, we hope, will some day give us a more expanded and somewhat less fragmentary résumé of an important subject, and so help the great task of elucidating the question of the origin and separation of races and languages.