It will be remembered that the status of Fiume was
supposed to have been settled by the Treaty of Rapallo on November 12th, 1920. It was to be a Free City, like Danzig, with an Assembly elected locally. This status was never achieved, partly because Signor d'Annunzio temporarily took possession of Fiume and partly because the Italo-Serbian Commission has been unable to agree about the boundaries. The determination of the British Government in these difficult circumstances is evidently to keep the peace if it can possibly be kept and to allow no punctilio nor any matter of jealousy or pride to stand in the way. We most strongly deprecate the flashy type of argument of those who say that the British Government was "scored off" by the French Govern- ment when France secured the reference of the Janina crisis to the Ambassadors rather than exclusively to the League. We 'do not care who is clever or who is "scored off " so long as we are sure that the British Government are thinking of nothing but peace.