15 SEPTEMBER 1939, Page 2

Great Britain and the League

On the face of it Lord Halifax's notification to the League e! Nations of the aggression of Germany against Poland, anc the consequent entry into effect of the Anglo-Polish Agree ment of Mutual Assistance, may seem in the circumstances unreal formality. Actually it is a very wise and proper Everyone recognises what the position of die League : present, but a war that ended in the defeat of Hitlerism ,fuld re-establish and re-invigorate it, even if its form and '.:cture were in some respects changed. Those States, _refore, which are still members should be punctilious in tultilling both minor and major obligations to it, remem- kfring that it includes in its membership a number of neutral nations of considerable importance collectively. The regis- tration with the League of the Anglo-Polish Pact in accord- ance with Article xviii of the Covenant has not been armounced. If registration has not been carried out it cer- tainly should be. This is another formality worth observing.