14 SEPTEMBER 1944, Page 18

Philosophical Commentaries. By George Berkeley, edited with intro- duction and

notes by A. A. Luce. (Nelson. 3i gns.)

THESE are the contents of the two notebooks in which Bishop Berkeley almost systematically jotted down his thoughts, sometimes known as his Commonplace Book. It was first published by Pro- fessor A. C. Fraser in 1871 in Volume IV of his edition of Berkeley's works. Professor Luce has here provided a replica of the original, which he calls an editio diplomatica, together with an informative introduction. In short, this is an authoritative work indispensable to students 'of Berkeley's philosophy. Professor Luce maintains that a careful examination of this work will throw fresh light on Berkeley's ideas and his personality. This edition is a piece of real scholar- ship and is invaluable to all serious students of Berkeley's ideas, since the original manuscript is steadily deteriorating.