The Revolt in Slovakia
Amid the sauve qui peut of these various satellites the rising which has been in progress in Slovakia, the most southerly of the four provinces of Czechoslovakia, since the beginning of this month and a little earlier has attracted less attention than it deserves. The rising was spontaneous, in that it was the direct result of the infiltra- tion of German troops into a " country" which Germany had plumed herself in leaving autonomous under a quisling Govern- ment, but it was not undertaken without the approval of the Czecho- slovak Government in London. The resistance forces are fighting definitely in the name not only of Slovakia, but of the Czechoslovak Government, which they support without qualification. As in all such cases, they are described as Communists, but in fact Communism has never been strong in Slovakia, which is largely a Catholic pro' vince, and 'the Slovak National Council, which is directing the revolt, consists of men like bank managers, company directors, and university professors. Unfortunately, the resources of the resistance movement are limited. More fortunate than the Poled in Warsaw, it is getting some supplies from Russia by air, but the Germans hive gained possession of the chief railways, which are not numerous, though their use is severely restricted by the .assiduity of the par- tians in cutting them. It may still be hoped that a Russian advance will save this gallant effort by Slovak patriots from disaster.