Slu,—Miss Worsley-Gough's review of Having the Last Word by Ivor Brown was philologically most satisfying. Having regard to nouns of assembly, I like her " submission " of spaniels. For the recognised group terms, though " charm " is certainly the best known for gold- finches, " trembling " (tremynge) was given in the Harley MS 541. " Unkindness " is the proper term for a flock of ravens (if ever they flock I), though it is not correctly a company term. It occurs in the 'Egerton MS and the Book of St. Alban's, Swansea, tells us "that the raven was utterly wanting in parental care, expelling its young ones from the nest . . . . until it saw what colour they would be, during which time they were nourished with the dew of heaven. "—I am, Sir, yours faithfully,
Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, S. W.'.