[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, September 26th. Envelopes met be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word " Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 214. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
1. Not really so large a proportion of fifteen as seems apparent. (6, 8.)
10. Who occupies this place ? 0, a half-sister. (5).
11. One is taxed to do it. (9.) 12. Ring over ring. (6.) 13. Tennyson wrote of splendour failing on such walls. (6.)
16. "One of us was born a - And not a soul knew which" (Leigh:). (4.)
17. On tap again (anag.) (10). 20. Differently divided, where the grinders' monkeys used to sit. (5, 5.) 21. Stuck in the ground, how can it mean ' to hurry ? (4.) 23. Aminta was his. (6.) 25. Motor with us, nothing follows. (6.) 28. A big fellow ? Absolutely fabulous l (9.) 29. Miss Merion. (5.) 30. Musketeers mildly Punished for a hat. (5. 8.)
2. Hang about the broken stein. (9.)
3. Followed. (6.) 4. Gay lord of the boards. (4.) 5. Entirely complete, it would b one could get her at the end • 6. Sailor with tattered c.lJt: for vinegar. (8.) 7. "I taste no politics in i. ,led and -" (Smith). (5.) 8. This wasn't necessarily ..: very small political unit. (6, 7.) 9. Bury a native. (13.)
14. This pabulum might be as apt. (5.) 15. "Loud sang the souls of the jolly, jolly mariners. Plucking at their --" (Kit:ding). (5.) 18. It changes into a clue. (9.)
19. Flood. (8.)
22. It comes between you and the horse.
fPi) 24. ambics from short to long' (Coleridge). (5.) 26. It always occurs in the record of a monarch's despotic reign. (4.)
27. Such a ground was Sussex to Kipling. (4.)