15 SEPTEMBER 1984, Page 26

Tate acquisition

Sir: No less intriguing than the Serpentine Gallery's sardine-tin in the bathtub is one of the Tate's 'new acquisitions', proudly displayed in Room 44. It is a small glass case crammed full, like a dustbin, with!" such unappetising objects as a used French letter or condom, the crumpled packaging of Tampax sanitary towels, bits of dirty cottonwool, scrap of Kleenex etc. The work is entitled 'The condition of Wornari,, by 'Arman', apparently an artist of sue" repute that his surname alone, like Rubens or Picasso, is thought to be enoughto identify him. It would be interesting to hear from the

. powers that be at the Tate why they bough` it and how much they paid for it.

J. H. Huizinga

17 Sprimont Place London SW3