15 SEPTEMBER 1984, Page 41


No. 1338: After you, Wilhelm

Set by Jaspistos: You are asked for a verse translation, as strict or free as you please, of Goethe's 'Hypochonder':

Der Teufel hol das Menschenge- schlecht !

Man mochte rasend werden!

Da nehm ich mir so eifrig vor: Will niemand weiter sehen, Will all das Volk Gott and sich selbst Und dem Teufel uberlassen!

Und kaum seh ich ein Menschengesicht, So hab ichs wieder lieb.

(Translation: The Devil take the human race! They're enough to drive you mad! Time and again I make a firm resolution never to see anybody again, consigning the whole species to God and itself and the Devil. And then I only have to see a human face — and I feel love for it again.)

Entries to 'Competition No. 1338' by 28 September.