111/ MONEY MARKET. ST.)I7K 1.:SeilAtrOlt, FRIDAY Airrseeeem..
The Coeueol Market has experieneed a decline, and is generally much heavier than it has been for some time. The real cause of this depression is. wo be- lieve, to be found in the endeavours of an eminent capitalist to take advantage of the scarcity of Stock which existed on the settling. day ( Wednesday last) to effect an extensive sale; but, as is usually the case after the fluctuation has .. occurred, several other reasons have been advanced,—amongst others, the omission of the usual notice by the Bank of the intention of the Directois to extend the time fixed for the repayment of the loans which have been made during the shutting of the boob of the various Stocks, the Dividends upon Which have just been paid ; the naval preparations, consequent upon the more determined position this country has assumed in the contest in Spain, &c. &c. The non-es:tension of time for the repayment of the Bank advances has cer- tainty not created any demand for money, as it is at present unusually abun- dant : besides, we believe the accommodation afforded was upon too trifling a scale to reader the repayment of the amount burrowed of any financial im- portance. In the Voreig,n flip hell) VIII -Is 1111it •r, and the II I les, vitalent th:tit f or some little. ,t1I.,5 of Out
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