EAST INI)IA Anisol -- At t;raves , nd. April Lith, 5....stilbia,111':Sair, fowl
China; 11'11. A1:,11, 405. At lE•51. !till, Flinn; Col'.41•41. from 11.it I itals ; Ia. ii,•11,
ir.na tin' Ilie i(Lt, hilaha...
Pori., 1411i, 1 nano, Ilmtmo. from 11•51.114y. I it.'•.ilett.1, 14511, 11, M' L.01. 6'0111 ditto. At I.,terpi,ol, 1316, 111411,1, 1"..illett. fioin 111.1111, ruin' China: 1'. • , • ',mil ditto; firmer:Ira, El•oiti, from :',Itourit lob ; 21st, Tr1114y, fruit„ pit . ; Taylor. Lady. flom 11:11iii1in,; 11146. 111'r.1011. 1555 5 ..• Erma:1141, Mom in-. At lloniliay.1/4.e. 7t1i, 7:ie,d, r • 'h • '.1yde 8111$,
ladsl'01.145•14. Mum1.45,41on; 4(11.*•• • ' • I1 11, Clifton.
lfuciAlls ; Tor., Reid; Thisstosia. ; I ..11,04,1. At 1:,•■ for, lire. 16111, Zoe, —, from Lir• rpool ; 4,511, •. '•• ; and Fairy
—, from 1, luau. 11■•1,;■1, I , 916, I/ the 4.f 1100,5. 1; : and tall,,
Lord Farcittlianion. frnin 1natm, 11,,, •, from Liver- pool; lull. BroKistrileleay. Chap:eau; :nal Dal:, Unit r of No, 1 '-iii,IL.41,1151, Por, now At Itams,a, 1nm. 19,11. 115r2,14•111,4 It •111'.1111'. 1ro111 1•111,11.11: Z.•1110, IAN M ; and 971;i, Monareh, Hoorn. I' on. 1..tmponl. At CLInt, 1E•4:. '2, Gen.
(I1."11,1•11,. horn Literpoul. Sailmi—Frinitl:ra15--05•1, ?toil :1114 Stewart, Miller, for Chin,,; 11/:11, Thames, IluulL6: x', fur 111:Ormi ; Itt2iis. 11 is,', for tiotnhay ; Syninn 11y, Inky, rm. Maiiiitilis; owl 5ynat45..1.t4tt.:ta, for t tu•cape ; It manta. .‘ hann, ir,,, ; A saw.. 110:1411r, fn' Van Land; F.1.11-., far the 1'.415•. From
; awl ViKiter, tor I Ilk T■sista, Last mil, fur ditto; flial 14t1t, Ellitbovu. Brook, fOr th,.! 1 I.'I', 10114 Erinte,, for ItimiLia).