The whole faubourg of St. Germain has just been thrown
into great agitation by an impending scandalous lawsuit, which, after thirty years of peaceful enjoyment of it, is about to deprive of a fortune of 30,000,000fr. a noble, devoted, and pious dutaless. Married without a fortune, a widow without children, it is said that, to obtain possession • of her husband's whole fortune to the exclusion of his heirs, she has resorted to means more than indelicate. A stepson is mentioned, whose condemnation to death the noble lady obtained in 1794, in re- turn for a certain intimacy with Robespierre. Even a forged will, the forgery of which has been but recently discovered, is spoken of ; .and, by a providential singularity in this extraordinary case, it happens that, through an exception in the law, in spite of the thirty years that have expired, four years are wanting to confer prescription on the noble dowager's property.—Bon Sens.
The rumour of the death of Lord Cathcart, mentioned last week, -was incorrect. His Lordship is in his usual health at his residence
alear Glasgow. •