On Monday night Mr. Asquith introduced the second of his
Veto Resolutions in the House of Commons. The object of the Resolution was to provide that the opinion of the people for the time being should prevail. Mr. Asquith ended his speech with a declaration of his intention to bring in at a later time a scheme for the reform of the House of Lords. "I believe in the necessity of a Second Chamber; but I do not think that even the limited powers, so far as they are limited, which this Resolution will continue to entrust and repose in the House of Lords are powers which a body constituted like the House of Lords can fitly and efficiently exercise." Mr. Long, replying, declared that he believed that the bulk of public opinion was in favour of intro- ducing an elective principle in the House of Lords. The attack upon the Lords was made because they had thwarted the will of a Liberal Government, not because the will of the people had not been obeyed.