. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] glad to sec
that " El Sharqi " has put this inter- Minable controversy on its proper footing as a mere dispute
about language. As Matthew Arnold said many years ago, people in this country are too apt to take " Figure for fact and fact for figure," and forget that the Bible, both Old and New Testament, is an Oriental book written for Orientals who quite appreciate that figurative language which he called " Orientalizing."
Unfortunately, our Church has never said in plain language exactly what it means about this sacrament. It clearly repu- diates the Romig!' doctrine of Transubstantiation in its rubric, but allows the Catechism to say that " the faithful verily and indeed take and receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the sacrament "---a most misleading statement, to say the least of it, which might surely have been " revised.-- I am, Sir, &c.,