Certain recent events suggest how fur the split in the
Labour Party might have gone if it had not been fairly well closed up by the introduction of the Trade Unions Bill. In the last number of Forward Mr. Ramsay MacDonald recorded his distress at the action of Mr. Wheatley in leaving the Front Opposition Bench. He says that he was never consulted or warned of Mr. %Vilestley's intention. and when- he heard of it he dig- believed it, feeling sure that Mr. Wheatley would have first communicated with the Executive. The Inde- pendent Labour. Party has refused to re-nominate Mr. Ramsay MacDonald for the treasurership of the Labour Party. This is the latest incident in a long feud, which is explained by the fact that Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, an evolutionary Socialist, is out of sympathy with all short-cuts to Socialism. The calculated snub to him from the I.L.P. has not gone unnoticed among Labour Members of Parliament and ninny of them have protested. • * *.