15 APRIL 1943, Page 14


Sta,—Your reviewer, after commenting on certain slips in dates in Mr. Spender's last book, specifies also " at least two mis-statements of fact " which, he says, "need not be further particularised." But need they not? Should not a charge of this sort (which the vulgar call lying) made against a man who cannot himself reply to it, be at least sub- stantiated by chapter and verse? The public would then have at least an opportunity of judging both of the gravity of the alleged " mis- statements " and the importance of the criticism based on them.—Yours truly, STUART HODGSON. 98 Croydon Road, Beckenham.

[Our reviewer writes: I went out of my way to make it clear that I brought no charge of any kind against Mr. Spender, whom I described as "one of the most scholarly and accurate publicists of the century." What I said was that it was obvious that he had not been able to pass the proofs for press himself. I have no doubt that if he had he would have noted the various errors (which is my synonym for " mis-statements of fact," though Mr. Hodgson prefers " lying "). An honest reviewer could not fail to note their existence, though nothing whatever was to be gained by detailing them. I shall be perfectly ready to send a list to Mr. Hodgson if he desires it.]