16 AUGUST 1845, Page 10

There are some signs of a contest in Southwark; Sir

William Molea- worth suffering, not from the competition in political weight of Ex-Sheriff Filcher, but from vulgar dislike to the favour with which he regards the Maynooth endowment and the New Poor-law. Yesterday, a deputation invited Mr. Daniel Whittle Harvey to stand, as holding different opinions :on those points. But Mr. Harvey prudently declined to enter Parliament ...again, unless his means should be as independent as his principles. The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland received, on Thursday, a deputation

• from Armagh, headed by Dr. Crolly, the Archbishop of the province, ...eating forth the claims of .Armagh to be the site of the new College for Vac'. Lord Heytesbury promised to the claim a fair and impartial *on- sideration. [The new Colleges are eagerly abused in Ire/and, but it Beetle not less eagerly sought.)