114t Court.
Tax Royal Family went to Osborne on Saturday ; and still remain there, in some degree of quiet. The Earl and Countess of Clarendon arrived at Osborne on Monday, and remained as visitors.
On Tuesday, Prince Albert came over to Southampton, with his eldest son on an antiquarian trip to Salisbury Plain and the Druidical remains of Stonehenge.
Sir Stafford Northcote, Colonel Reid, Mr. Playfair, Mr. Cubitt, Mr. Dilke, and Mr. Cole, Executive Commissioners of the Great Exhibition of Industry, were conveyed to Osborne on Thursday, and "had a lengthened interview" with Prince Albert.
The most reliable reports as to the Queen's departure for Scotland state that she will leave London on the 27th ; sleep that night at Don- caster; reach Edinburgh on the 28th, pass a night at Holyrood Palace, and then proceed through Perth to Balmoral.