On the 30th July, the Hon. Mrs. Edward Upton, of a son, stillborn.
On the 5th August, at the Rectory, Stoke Edith, Herefordshire, the Wife of the Rev. J. S. Moore, of a daughter. On the 6th, the Duchess of Buccleuch, of a daughter. On the 9th, at Southwood, Highgate, the Wife of the Rev. Edward Hamilton Nel- son, Incumbent of St. Stephen's, St. John's Wood, of a son.
On the 10th, at New House, St. Albans, the Wife of Captain H. Creed, of a daughter.
On the 10th, at Preston Vicarage, near Brighton, the Wife of the Rev. Walter Kelly, of a daughter. On the 10th, at the Vicarage, Lambcrhurst, the Wife of the Rev. R. Hawkins, of a son.
On the 11th, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Birch Reynardson, Grenadier Guards, of a son. On the 11th, at Montreal, near Sevenoaks, the Viscountess Holmesdale, of a daughter. On the 11th, at llerstham, the Lady Mary Haworth. of a son. On the 12th, at the Rectory, St. Michael's, Cornhill, the Wife of the Rev. T. W. Wrench, of a son.
On the 12th, at One Ash, Rochdale, the Wife of John Bright, M.P., of a son. On the 14th, in South Audley Street, the Viscountess Cranley, of a daughter. MARRIAGES.
On the 7th August, at St. George's Church, Bloomsbury, the Rev. Arthur Wel- lington Roper, of Welney, Isle of Ely, to Frances Sarah, daughter of the late David Landell Chambers, Esq., of Guildford Street, Russell Square. On the 7th, at Aston Church, Warwickshire, William Hay, Esq., of Ford Hall, Durham, to Julia Ithiel, second daughter of the Rev. J. Ailport, Incumbent of St. James's, Birmingham, and Chaplain to the Duke of Manchester. On the 7th, at Babbington Church, the Rev. Charles Stkera Peel, Rector of Syre- sham, Northampton, to Helen Elizabeth, eldest daughter of William Moseley, Esq., of Leaton Hall, Staffordshire.
On the 7th, at Penick, Francis J. bf. Mason, Esq., of the Madras N.I., second son of Vice-Admiral Sir Francis Mason, K.C.B., and the Hon. Selina Lacy Mason, of Wheler Lodge, Northamptonshire, to Jane, only daughter of William Morton, Esq., of Kent's Green, and formerly of the Bengal Civil Service. On the 10th, at the parish-church of St. Marvlebone, Lieutenant G. P. Mends, of H. M. S. Trafalgar, son of Rear-Admiral W. B. Mends, to Louise, second daughter of J. Wilcocks, Esq.
On the 12th, at Winterslow, Wilts, Charles Rivers Freeling, Esq., of Queen Anne Street, barrister-at-law, son of the late Sir Francis Freeling, Bart., to Emma Amelia, eldest daughter of the Rev . Edward Luard, MA., Rector of Winterslow. On the 12th, at St. John's, Marchwood, near Southampton, the Rev. Edward Ans- ley Peck, Rector of Houghton, in the county of Huntingdon, to Catherine Green- wood, only daughter of the late Francis Godfrey Martelli, Esq., of Spring Lodge, Ke
Orry. n the 12th, at West Peckham, Kent, Charles Watson Townley, Esq., eldest son of R. Greaves Townley, Esq., M.P., of Fulbourne, Cambridgeshire, to Georgians., fourth daughter of M. D. D. Denson, Esq., of Hamptons, Kent.
On the 12th, the Rev. Richard King, of Prestwick, Lancashire, to Charlotte Dun- des, youngest daughter of the late Commodore Bathurst, R.N. On the 12th, at Twickenham, the Rev. Albert William Loinsworth, youngest son of the late Dr. Loinsworth, Physician to the Forces, to Charlotte Maria, eldest daughter of the Rev. Richard Cattermole, Vicar of Little Marlow, Bucks. On the 13th, at St. Andrew's Church, Cambridge, Mr. A. Macmillan, to Caroline, eldest daughter of A. G. Brimley, Esq. On the 13th, at St. James's Church, the Hon. William Bagot, M.P., to the Hon. Lucia Agar Ellis, eldest daughter of the Lady Dover. On the 18th, at Caletock, Cornwall, the Rev. Reginald Hobhouse, third son of the Right Hon. H. Hobbouse, to Caroline. third surviving daughter of Sir W. B. Trelawny, Bart., Lord-Lieutenant of the county of Cornwall. On the 14th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, William Hamilton Yatman, Esq., of Hyde Park Street, to Elizabeth Tower, second surviving daughter of the Rev. G. T. Pretyman, Chancellor of Lincoln.
On the 90th June, at Kingston, Jamaica, the Rev. James Dawson, Rector of St. John's, in that island.
On the 6th July, at Legman, British Guiana, the Rev. William Hamilton, MA., the Rector of St. Peter's, Le an ; in his 34th year.
On the 5th August, at Dulwich, Anthony Harding, Esq.; in his 90th year. On the 8th, iu London, H. Broadley, Esq., M.P.; in his 58th year.
On the 8th, in Mansfield Street, Lieutenant-Colonel J. B. Gardiner, late of the Piro Life Guards.
On the 8th, at Bury St. Edmunds, Frances, Relict of the late Robert Rushbrooke, Esq., of Rushbrooke Hall, Suffolk, and M.P. for the Western Division of that county,
On the 11th, in Queen's Terrace, Bayswater, Sarah, Relict of the late Captain Alexander Cuming, of the Hon. E. I. Co.'s Service; in her 91st year.