Tuesday, August 12.
Rairriistismes DISSOLVED. -Burdett and Jones, Birmingham, surgeons-F. and S. Hollister, Cheltenham, corset-makers-Padmore and Bedwell, Ryde, linen-drapers- Jew and Waring, Gloucester, booksellers-Wardman and Co. Gresham Street, button-dealers-W. and T. C. Heath, Devonport, opticians-Gladstone and Pilking- ton, Liverpool, galvanized-iron-manufacturers-J. and J. Steel, Leeds, boot-makers -Rowe and Scarratt, Tranmere, Cheshire, cement-manufacturers - M. and H. Wildig and M. Thomas, Shrewabury, earthenware-dealers-W. and J. Parr, !Aber- land, Lancashire, joiners-Besley and Co. Manchester, cloth-merchants - Leach and England, Bingley, Yorkshire, worsted-manufacturers - Hill and Mallalieu, Rochdale, cotton-waste-dealers-Rossenberg and Co. Manchester, tobacco-manu- facturers-Butterfield and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, woolstaplers-Moon and Co. Ifaranham, Brazil; as far as regards J. Tionnee-Squire and Co. Barge Yard, en- gineers-Davies, Brothers, Chester, drapers-Smith and Matthews, Birmingham. drapers - Lawrence and Co. Darlaton, Staffordshire. coal-masters -- Elder and Jurdison, Adelphi, hotelkeepers. Basucaurrs.-R/CHAILD SEYMOUR, Downham, Cambridgeshire, grocer, to surrender Aug. 23, Sept. 20: solicitors, Trincler and Eyre, Bedford Row ; Archer, Ely ; official asssignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Iona VEYERS, Ironmonger Lane, woollen- warehouseman, Aug. 18, Sept. 18 : solicitor, Lloyd, Milk Street; official assignee. Johnson, Basinglmll Street-Twoatas Foor Preen, Laurence Lane, stay-maker, Aug. 18, Sept. US: solicitor, Cox, Pinner's Hall; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Joan &RN= PaILLIP and Co. East Street, Manchester Square, builders, Aug. 20, Sept. 20: solicitors. Linklaters, Charlotte Bow ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street - FREDERICK MILLAR, St. John's Wood, livery.stablekeeper, Aug. 21, Sept. 25: solicitor, Holmes, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Canaan, Birchin Lane-Erman. CLAT, Eastry. Kent, linen-draper, Aug. 21, Sept. 25: so- licitor, Buchanan, Basinghall Street; official assisme, e, Whitmore, Basinghall Street -Wittiest POWELL, Jeffery's Street, Camden Town, builder, Aug. 18, Sept. 18: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; Dale, Warnford Court; official assignee, Canaan, Birchin Lane, Combat-RICHARD hlorr, Gracechurcll Street, tailor, Aug. 18, Sept. 25 : solicitors, Vincent and Gabriel, Temple; official assignee, Carman, Birchin [sane-Joss NICWTON sen. Waxhingborough, Lincolnshire, boat- owner, Aug. 20, Sept.. 17 : solicitors, Scott and Tahourdin, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Toynbee, Lincolu ; Stamp, Hull; official assignee, Carrick, Hull-RICHARD JACK- SON, Liverpool, organ-builder, Aug. 27, Sept. 16: solicitor, Dodge, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool-THOMAS RICHARDSON, Liverpool, cutler, Aug. 21, Sept. 18: solicitor, Hine, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool- SAEITYL CEIFJUIT, Liverpool, broker, Aug. 25, Sept. 16: solicitor, Norris, Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool.
DIVIDRND.-Sept 5, Nicholson, York, tailor.
'CERTIFICATE:3.-7b be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.-Sept. 4, Burn, Sackeille Street, tailor-Sept. 4, Hamley, Bristol, builder -Sept. 4, Ferranti, Almondbury, fancy-cloth-manufacturer-Sept. 8, Slater and Pa- ton, Salford, cotton-spinners-Sept. 4, Nicholson, York, tailor.
DECLARATIONS OF Diving-ans.-Barker, Cambridge, banker; final div. of 41d. Thursday next and subsequent Thursday; Graham, Coleman Street-Kemp, Ux- bridge, grocer ; second div. of 2fd. Thursday next and subsequent Thursday; Gra- ham, Coleman Street- Lea, Upper Belgrave Place, coal-merchant; first div. of Is. Thursday next and subsequent Thursday ; Graham, Coleman Street-Mackey and Holt, St. Helen's Place, Bishopsgate, merchants ; third div. of 9-16ths of a penny, Thursday next and subsequent Thursday ; Graham, Coleman Street-Wheat- Icy, Commercial Road, Lambeth. lighterman ; first div. of 7d. on any Thursday, ex- cept from Aug. 15 to Oct. 11, both days inclusive; Stansfeld, Basinghall Strei t- Boutillier, Commercial Road, draper; second div. of sid. any Thursday, except from Aug. 15 to Oct. 11, both days inclusive; Stansfeld, BasinghallStreet -Dale, London boot-maker ; second and final div. of Id. any Thursday, except from Aug. 15 to Oct. 11, both days inclusive ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Watley and Hardwick, Oxford Street, linen-drapers. third div. of lid. any Thursday, except from Aug. 15 to Oct. 11; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Williams. Brecon, draper; final div, of id. any Thursday, except from Aug. 15 to Oct. 11; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Howard, Attlebridge, Norfolk, maltster; second div. of Id. any Thursday, except from Aug. 15 to Oct. Ili Stansfeld, Haaingball Street-Dimsdale, Trinity Square, corn-factor ; final div. of pl. any Thursday, except from Aug. 15 to Oct. 11; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Dixon, Liverpool, grocer; first div. of 2s. 8d. Aug. 18, or any subsequent Monday after Oct. 11; Bird, Liverpool-Oldfield, Liverpool, commission-merchant first div. of 6.1d. Aug. 18, or any subsequent Monday after Oct. 11; Bird, Liverpool- Hunt, 31iddleton, Lancashire, silk-manufacturer; first div. of la. 11,3. Aug. 12, or any subsequent Tuesday to Aug. 21, and after Oct. 11; Pott, blanchester-D'Oyly, Moreton, Gloucestershire, scrivener; second div. of 18. 31d. any Wednesday previous to Aug. 15, and any Wednesday after Oct. 10; Hutton, Bristol-Allport, Bristol, irpmnonger; first div. of 10./d. any Wednesday previous to Aug. 15, and any Wed- nesday after Oct. 10; Hutton, Bristol-Gordon, Gloucester, dealer in Berlin wools; first div. of 3s. 9d. any Wednesday previous to Aug. 15, and any Wednesdayafter Oct. 10; Hutton, Bristol-Keevil sun. Bristol, draper; third div. of 6 d. any Wednesday previous to Aug. 15, and any Wednesday after Oct. 10; Hutton, Bristol.
'SCOTCH Sateurnanoxs.-Buchan, Dundee, grocer, Aug. 18, Sept. 8-Cunning- ham, Swintonhill, Berwickshire, farmer, Aug. 18, Sept. 15.
Friday, dogtrot 15.
PARTNERSHIPS Dissouven.-Hobday and Claxton, hlinbank - Richardson and Go. New York, and Watson and Co. Manchester-Greening and Sons, Warrington, wireworkers-Joliffe and Co. Penton Street, Pentonville, victuallers-Crouch and Strong, Wimbledon, builders-Hemming and Son, Redditch, needle-manufacturers- Harding and Co.; as far as regards A. T. Bishop-The Leader Newspaper Company; as far as regards R. Tonybee and L. Heymann-Barnes and Field, Narrow Street, Limehouse, merchants-Tustin and Shell, Great St. Andrew Street, ginger-beer- manufacturers-J. and C. Chambers, Kidderminster, boot-manufacturers-Shottin and Taylor, Salford, carriers-Henderson and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, uphol- sterers-Rose and Huggins, Palm Place, Islington-Oxford and Male, Birmingham, architects-Dawson and Maddock, Liverpool, ship-chandlers-E. J. and E. Atkins, proprietors of the Liverpool Zo8logical Gardens-Humphrys and Griffiths, Liver- pool, contractors-Stoddart and Co. Ashford, ironmongers-R. and J. Leach, Mar- tock, Somersetshire, attornies--Gordon and Mason, Weston-super-)Tare, chemists -Allan and Co. St. Paul's Churchyard, drapers-R. and J. Humphreys., Chelten- ham, livery-stable-keepers--Daunt Brothers, Liverpool, iron-merchants-W. and S. Ford, Bank Steam Mills, Cheshire, millers-Reid and Co. Rochdale, woollen-cloth- merchants-Wright Brothers, High Holborn, perfumers-Cole and Scott, Fur- nival's Inn, attonnes-Healing and Lyon, Liverpool, pawnbrokers.
BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.-RICHARD MOORE, Sun Tavern Fields, St. George's-in- the-East, commission-agent.
BANKRUPTS.-MANIIS FREMY and JOHN GARD, St. Martin's Lane, woollen-drapers, to surrender Aug. 29, Sept. 27 : solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Areet ; official as- signee, Cannan, Birchin Lane-.Grorton Moen and Jona Wn.Liams, Frith Street, goldsmiths. Aug. 22, Oct. 3: solicitor, Teague, Crown Court, Cheapside; official as- signee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Tuowas DAVEYsuD. Halsted, builder, Aug. 22, Sept. 27: solicitor, Parker, Gray's Inn Square; official assignee, Cannon, Birchin Lane-Menne BRAL, Shoe Lane, bookseller, Aug. 22, Sept. 27: solicitor, Forster, Crosby Square ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Joni PAUL, Oxford Street, milliner, Aug. 22, Sept. 27: solicitor, Seaman, Pancras Lane ; official assig- nee, Whitmore, Basmghall Street-WILLIAM FREDERICK D(FROYAN, Oxford Street, poulterer, Aug. 21, Oct. 3: solicitors, Smith and Page, Duke Street, Manchester Square; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Geonos SMALL, Folkestone, tailor, Aug. 23, Sept. 20: solicitors, Willoughby and Cox, Clifford's Inn ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-WILLIAM BAIRD, Liverpool, paper-hanger, Aug. 27, Sept. 16: solicitor, Grocott, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool- CHRISTOPHER Ourr, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-broker, Aug. 26, Oct. 7 : solicitor, Pbilipson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
DIVIDENDS.-Sept. 8, Powell,King's Place, Commercial Road East, tobacco-manu- facturer-Sept. 8,1tf'Dowall, Little Queen Street, printer-Sept. 6, Osborn, Sheffield, wine-merchant.
CERTIFICATES-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of ofeeting.-Sept. 6, Pauling, Great Percy Street, Pentonville, railway-contractor-Sept. 9, Whittaker and Fullalove, Manchester, manufacturers.
DECLARATIONS or Divinerres.--King, North Audley Street, coach-builder; second div. of Is. 51d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Graham, New Ox- ford Street, hosier; first div. of 51d. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street -Couch, John Street, Fitzroy Square, pianoforte-maker ; first di,. of 5d. any Wed- nesday ; \Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Marshall, Southampton, coal-merchant ; first div. of 2s. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Gatrell, Lymington, upholsterer; second div. of 111d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street- Alexander and Co. Calcutta, merchants ; fourth iiv. of 3 annas Company 100 Sires rupees, any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Ridley. Leicester, linen- draper ; second die. of any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Chit- tenden, Church Street., Paddington, draper; second div. of 28. lid. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Robertson and Co. Lime Street Square, merchants; fifth div. of 1d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore Basingball Street-Warwick and Cla- gett, Billiter Square, merchant' : fourth die. of 11d. any Wednesday; Whitmore, llawnghall Street-Langwith, Lidlington Place, Oakley Square, builder; first div. of 2a. Aug. 16; Groom, Abchurch Lane. Samar SECHIRSTILATION.-Ross, Bradford, Isle of Skye, merchant, Aug. 18, Sept.15,