16 AUGUST 1935, Page 32


That the Fixed Trusts are increasing in popularity with the investors is evident from the constant additions which are being made to the number of Trusts themselves. - The latest entrant into the field is the Investor's Second General Trust which has been launched by interests associated with Dawnay, Day and Co., a firm which has been connected with the formation of some earlier Trusts. In the present instance the Trust in question is being launched on the basis of Sub-Unita at about 188. 6d., at which price the gross annual yield based on the results for the past twelve months of the securities selected is £5 2s. 4d. per cent., representing cash dividends only. The securities over which the Trust has spread its funds are those of a balanced section of twenty-seven British companies such as L.M.S. Railway, Imperial Chemicals, J. Lyons and Co. &c. The Royal Exchange Assurance are the Trustees for .the investors who purchase these Sub-Units. It is stated that the Trust will be cumulative in character ; bonus shares, excel:t small or broken amounts, will be added to the Trust -portfolio. A brochure giving full particulars can be obtained from the Trust at its office at 15 Moorgate, E.C.