CAVALIERS AND EGGHEADS SIR,—I am glad you have kept a
sense of proportion in your leading article 'Cavaliers and Eggheads,' and have not resorted to the ludicrous as most writers have done in attacking. Lord Altrincham for his un- happy—and indeed unwise—attempt to bring the Queen and the Court into open controversy. Some people, including those who should know better, have resorted to silly behaviour over this episode: their antics are clownish, and one really wonders whether they ought not to spend some time reflecting upon much of their own faults, the most common of which is minding everyone else's business but their own.
A little respect for the privacy of the Queen and her household and a genuine loyalty for the Sovereign are attributes that would command more worth than useless abuse against Lord Altrincham and other such individuals. I am tempted to ask how patriotic such people are that generally slink away before the National Anthem is played at a theatre or cinema, or at the end of a day's broadcasting and television service. And do they ever think twice be- fore running their own country down in their travels abroad as so often happens?
True patriotism and loyalty to the Sovereign does not consist of temperamental play-acting over what Lord Altrincham said, nor does it rely upon preten- tious adulation from the very kind of people that do so little to maintain the traditions and the true values of our nation. I am sickened by the way this episode has been dragged into the lowest depths of controversy—and yet no suggestion has come out of it to renew our loyalty to the Sovereign.—Yours faithfully, D. F. BAKER LACE 16 Woodland Avenue, Upper Norwood, SEI9