ACROSS I Any response here about the player? (7) 5 Sick, and accustomed to it (3-4).
9 Pray sup with me, says the old Derby winner (7).
10 To a Frenchman so much spirit leads to rage (7).
II Such cutters display no originality (10). 12 He's a party man (4).
13 In chapel I am always to be found (3).
14 He has the junior championship title, no doubt (II), 17 As the Medes might have bowled? (4, 3, 4) 19 paid with sighs a plenty And sold for endless — '( Housman) (3). 20 Spoils of war (4).
22 'Alice, where art thou?' (10)
26 Sign of the RAF poetically expressed (7).
27 To be in such trim, one must keep on the rails (7).
28 They have serpentine associations on board (7). 29 Reflections of a melodious tom? (7) DOWN 1 Prose that ought to be well known (5).
2 A ripe film (anag.) (9).
3 'And — the thing we have prayed for in our face' (E. B. Browning) (7).
4 Naturally it is upward in flight (5).
5 Undetailod task of the gravedigger? (5, 4) 6 Lonely spot for Scottish lovers perhaps (4).
7 Vain pedestrian support (5).
8 Half-consume part of the fortifications (4-5). 13 Repel me? Ah, it won't last long! (9) 15 Come closer, Dan, to disclose the pedicurist (9).
16 Naturally, one would have looked for a gas- conade from him (9).
18 Checks for sailor when he sun-bathes (7).
21 It gets about in the playground (5).
23 It's a gift! (5) 24 Father takes outsize in skirtings (5).
25 'As — as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean' (Coleridge) (4).
. Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Late edition of Chamberes Twentieth Century Dictionary
and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened atter noon on August 27 and addressed: Crossword No. 953. 99 Gower St., London, WCA
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Versiea, is recommended for Crosswords.
Solution on August 30 Solution to No. 951 oil page 232
The winners or Crossword No. 951 are : LT.-CDR. C. 0. Bosoms& June Orchard. Bracken Close, Woking Surrey. and Miss R. W. JAWS, 19 Norbam Road Oslord