Three-star petrol
Sir: Do the motorists among your readers want to use three-star (95 octane) petrol and if so, do they find it difficult to obtain? The Consumer Council would like to know, so would any of your readers who are in- terested write to me telling me if they do or do not find three-star petrol readily available? If they do find it difficult to get do they buy instead two-star, four-star or a mixture of the two? We should like to know whether the position on motorways seems to be any different from that on other roads.
The reason the Consumer Council is in- terested is that it has been argued that three-star is a grade which is only in light demand; but since a number of popular cars can run on it without loss of perform- ance, we wonder whether motorists take the same view.
So would your readers please let me know their views?
Elizabeth Ackroyd Director, The Consumer Council, 3 Corn- wall Terrace, London NW1